
A long time ago,
Somewhere back in the beginning of social media,
Someone told me I should not use another’s words
Without giving them attribution for said phrase.

They were right.
The words that I felt to share were not mine.
They originated with someone else. It’s called Attribution.
So, wherever possible, I say where the phrase comes from.

That’s giving credit to the originality of a phrase or word.
Telling everyone else who said what so none will think
You were smart enough to come up with it yourself.

And yet…
We get our phrases and speech patterns
From all who have written and spoken before us.
Wrap them up and tie them with a bow.
We remember and misremember the source.
Who’s to say who said what and when?
Too many times, when it’s totally unclear,
I say, “Unknown.” Whew! I’m glad I got that covered!

A Daily Word – Attribution: I share words often sourced elsewhere. I'm unsure who said what first, and when unknown, attribute with "Unknown." ~Michael Gurley Click To Tweet

There are researchers.
Researchers look for originality and variation of phrases.
They report their findings, but again, who’s to say,
That their findings tell the bottom line of who’s on first?

A favorite movie,
Fiddler on the Roof” has the main character, Tevye,
Always misquoting what an OT scripture or person says.
Even more incorrectly, attributing the wrong phase to the wrong person.

An older bible,
Actually, my first study bible is in the hands of my son,
But back in the area of index and concordance,
Was a favorite column that identified,
“Quotes not actually from the Bible.”

The older I get
And the more I’ve read, my mind is filling up
With words and phrases others have said,
So, think me weird; I’ll do my research as needed
But I do believe someone somewhere sometime
Started the ball rolling and said something first.

Here are two researcher locations that helped me find sources.
You may want to check them out for yourself.

Library of Congress
Quote Investigator

As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them. ~John F. Kennedy

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!