Happy Face Beach Ball on waterLife... Liberty... Happiness

Words we once took to heart, especially when learning them, are combined and extracted from older languages that don’t exactly understand what we think they mean today.

In other words? Definitions of words change when their usage adapts to different times.

Though I could write about Life and Liberty, let me focus a moment on Happiness.

Quick study here, but essentially, the word adapted to mean “the greatest happiness for the greatest number… That’s what was in vogue when our nation was formed. In other words, what’s best for the majority should be our focus.

We disagree with that today.

Today, it’s all about “my happiness.” If I can achieve what’s important to me, you should support my right to achieve it. If we are opposed to each other, then you should let me alone so I can pursue my focus on what makes me happy.

You do your thing. I’ll do mine.

But that’s still not true. If your way interferes with my way, you are wrong, and we must end your right to be differently focused than me.

So we write laws not to exclude anyone. In doing so, we often exclude others’ right to their perspective and focus.

Bottleneck! Roadblock!

Will we ever come to the same table and enjoy each other’s pursuits? Probably not. Why? We are too different and strayed too far down paths that celebrate our weirdness and uniqueness. It’s difficult to handle.

We wind up living on opposite sides with no middle safety ground.

I heard it shared in a sermon: If we keep lopping off the edges of life every time we disagree, eventually, it’ll end up being just me and you, and I’m not so sure about you.

I’ve learned to be me, and that includes warts and all. Hmmm. Perhaps I need to accept you, even if you have no warts.

Jesus gives us simple advice:

If anyone doesn’t welcome you or listen to what you say,
leave that house or city, and shake its dust off your feet.
(Matthew 10:14 GW)

Can you do that? The next time you are challenged about your belief system or your way of living, can you dust off your feet and move on?

A friend used to identify the stress of getting good customers. If this one doesn’t buy, say, “Next!” Hmm. That sounds like good fishing advice!

If you agonize over every situation, you will not make forward progress. Watch over your pearls and that which is holy. (Matthew 7:6)

Just keep moving. Your Life, Liberty, and whatever your definition of Happiness may mean are not the same as everyone else’s. Next!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!