Writing Letters and mailingSo much to share!

This 13th, I celebrate 68 trips around ol’ Sol.
Though each trip is special, no acknowledgment do I require.
It’s just another day, but note my day of birth was Thursday
Not Friday, even though it happens to fall this way every so often.
I’m not sure why we honor the date of our birth.
It’s just another day as we age into the future abyss.

This morning, as my custom has become,
After my wake-up morning routine,
I sit at my keyboard, a blank screen in front of me.
Somewhere leading to “now,” a word has swum before me.
Yes. I have something to say, so I write.

Why write? Why not?

I’ve been on a journey of late. The “why” is unclear.
I feel burdened to encourage anyone who reads my thought
Your story is yours, but you have much to share,
Most of us have no time to listen
But were you to write so future generations will read?
They will soak up your words and understand.

A long time ago, I conquered the fear of a crowd.
Standing in front and making a speech or sharing a thought.
It’s become natural, and I feel comfortable. There. Done it!
But writing was different. Once you committed words
In print, on screen, in a book, or even in the ether.
Your words will always show others how you think.

That’s a scary place to be – others now know you.
It’s not the storytelling done on a stage. That’s a lot of acting.
Instead, it’s that research mind you have that digs for depth
And writes at a somewhat shallow level for everyday bread.
That’s what good writing is to me: Sustenance.

If time would allow me to share, and it doesn’t, especially today.
There is a world buried in each word and a cosmos in each thought.
To think means, you submerge beneath the surface. To write?
Well, it depends on your audience. Every day I write so anyone can enjoy it.
But you can go deeper. I dare you. Read between the lines and words.

Words are the cement, their connection the glue,
What you see, watch, or hear can never contain the world of a page you read.
Those videos are the creation of another’s mind and world.
The same is true about words you read, but you get to paint by numbers
Your history and story into the revelation of letters and words.

Were we to wrap the slate of our mind clean,
Free of the hold of knowledge we say we know,
Then take a year to rebuild the foundation, book by book,
The knowledge could fill the empty space,
But the years and stories it took to get to what you have now are not in existence.
Part of building my knowledge is the story of a journey.

Maybe that’s the real reason I write!
I’m not an encyclopedia, dictionary, or library shelf
Any and all, full of a million words. Even for something “I know.”
My favorite sources bring knowledge to life with each reading.
That’s the key to writing – You tell the facts woven into your story!
Aha… Secret revealed. Now, go Write!

Note: My blog always points to other similar thoughts I’ve written below, and you are free to explore by clicking. Other thoughts are shared “here” that may not appear “there.”

When Did I Start Writing
Tell Your Own Story
The Summation of Your Life

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!