Gold Nugget on a wet rockNuggets Produce Action, or They Are Worthless

I’ve been around people who always seem to have a nugget of encouragement they share at the drop of a hat. I could name names, but you know who you are. It seems these nuggets flow from your heart with words of wisdom, deep thought, and incredible insight.

Nuggets are nice, but we must learn to act on what we’ve received. How did the Apostle Paul say it to the church of Philippi?

The things which you learned and received
and heard and saw in me,
these do, and the God of peace will be with you.
(Philippians 4:9 NKJV)

Since I’m reading about Alaska, can you tell me that great state’s greatest Gold Rush story? It’s not the Klondike. That was Canada. The easiest way to the Klondike was through Skagway, AK. Koyukuk? Alaska, yes, but by far not an easy place. It was Nome, AK, where gold washed out of the fields or once robust riverbeds and soaked the sands of the sea. All you need to do is “pan the sand.”

Later, it will be seen that the state’s natural treasures must be husbanded to keep producing far into the future. Minerals. Timber. Wildlife. Only gold and oil will never be replaced.

But you get nothing if you don’t take action. If you want the value of the nugget, you must pick it up, save it for the right time, and then spend it or trade it.

Nuggets require action at the moment of reception, and the best move is what you do in the future with the value you saw and gathered. Else, without effort, the nuggets will lay in the fallow ground where nothing grows or produces.

The nuggets are nice. But action is required!

Again, I find a similar thread in scripture.

faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
(James 2:17 NKJV)

I find value in people, words, and thoughts, and prayerfully, I produce action from gathering nuggets of value! Hopefully, my actions will affect future generations. May my words, attitude, and spirit be a nugget someone will find, gather, and take action with the knowledge.

Nuggets Nice, But Action Required: I find value in people, words, and thoughts, and prayerfully, I produce action from gathering nuggets of value! Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!