In for a penny, in for a poundIn for a penny, in for a pound

In for a penny, in for a pound.
I’m all in. You can count on me!
Give me an inch, and I’ll take a mile.
Let’s do it! We’ve got this!
I’ve got some skin in the game!

Has someone questioned your ability to stick something out until a goal is reached? We deal with this when it comes to spending and saving habits, trying to get in shape and lose some weight, or deciding when/how to move into the future.

In fact, we are all guilty of false starts, dropped responsibilities, distractions, and irresponsibly dreaming.

Commitment is the key, but knowing that you’re focusing on a tangible ending and not some pie-in-the-sky pipe dream is very important. Accountability means you have a plan, and someone or something is helping you focus on following the plan. No cheating unless you factor in some opportunity to miss a deadline, and it’s legal to have that donut every once in a while.

We can read between the lines of wishes and wants and know that something can be accomplished if we would but keep our eyes on the prize.

What’s Your Goal?

Did you know the Bible never talks about retirement? Yes, you grow old and pass along the current responsibilities, but you never give up, step back, sit down, or wander away quietly into the dark. It has a lot to say about those who turn their back, give up, or return to their sinful ways.

When you reach the end of your time, will it be said about you that you continually gave your all? Did you plan for a successor? Is the message dead when you are no longer in the limelight?

The Apostle Paul said it so famously, and his words speak to me today just as he spoke to Timothy:

I can’t impress this on you too strongly.
God is looking over your shoulder.
Christ himself is the Judge,
with the final say on everyone, living and dead.
He is about to break into the open with his rule,
so proclaim the Message with intensity; keep on your watch.
Challenge, warn, and urge your people.
Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple.
You’re going to find that there will be times when people
will have no stomach for solid teaching,
but will fill up on spiritual junk food—
catchy opinions that tickle their fancy.
They’ll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages.
But you—keep your eye on what you’re doing;
accept the hard times along with the good;
keep the Message alive;
do a thorough job as God’s servant.
You take over. I’m about to die,
my life an offering on God’s altar.
This is the only race worth running.
I’ve run hard right to the finish, believed all the way.
All that’s left now is the shouting—God’s applause!
Depend on it, he’s an honest judge.
He’ll do right not only by me, but by everyone eager for his coming.
(2 Timothy 4:1-8 MSG)

One of the two spies in Canaan, Caleb, laid out his continued goal for the future even as they entered the promised land. He was older then than I am now!

And now, behold, the LORD has kept me alive, as He said, these forty-five years,
ever since the LORD spoke this word to Moses while Israel wandered in the wilderness;
and now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old.
As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me;
just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war,
both for going out and for coming in.
Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the LORD spoke in that day;
for you heard in that day how the Anakim were there,
and that the cities were great and fortified.
It may be that the LORD will be with me,
and I shall be able to drive them out as the LORD said.”
(Joshua 14:10-12 NKJV)

Paul knew and shared the goal with Timothy. Caleb knew, and God honored him with his future.

What about me? You? Them? They? Us?

Are we in for a penny, in for a pound? It’s in your hands to make your commitment. Now. Make your decision before the powers that draw you from your win, and you become the loser. Choose Wisely!

In for a penny, in for a pound.I'm all in. You can count on me!Give me an inch, and I'll take a mile.Let's do it! We've got this!I've got some skin in the game! Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!