Strategy WordsAll Words Are Important!

You don’t get far in any endeavor until you have a strategy to be successful. This covers all facets of the challenge. This covers the gambit from being consistent, dealing with failure, picking up the pieces, shifting to a new lane, or even what to do when it’s time to coast downhill.

You don’t learn strategy from planning sessions.
Strategy comes from experience.
Experience is remembering what happened after you’ve gone through something.

Only a dictionary can broadly describe the concept of strategy, but you will apply the lesson to your personal challenge.

A strategy is a general plan or set of plans intended to achieve something, especially over a long period.

Too many have stated words to this effect:

  • When you have first contact with the enemy, plans go out the window, but planning is essential.
  • Don’t fear the unknown. There will always be something we don’t know.
  • Look beyond the circle of light. Life can be scary everywhere. Even in the light.
  • If you haven’t planned to succeed, then any plan will work because you will never reach your goal.

The list can be an endless path of constantly restating the obvious. If you think about it long enough, you will probably remember a coach, or mentor, or even something you’ve read that sounds like these sayings!

In the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalms 119, you will find 22 sections of 8 verses corresponding to the Hebrew Alphabet. Each section focuses on the Law of God from several angles and words.

Think about it! Someone took the time to help us focus on God’s law, not man’s idea!

Memorizing scripture is fine, but applying the appropriate scripture to the moment sustains you! Listening to the prattle of social gurus and pundits might be enjoyable, but building your foundation on solid rock is crucial.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
(Psalms 119:105 NKJV)

You have what you need to walk forward and stand in place! His Word is a lamp and light and works near and far!

Hmmm… I wonder what David’s son, the future wise man of all, Solomon, had to say about light?

For the commandment is a lamp,
And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life,
(Proverbs 6:23 NKJV)

Did you catch it? This verse ended with a comma and not a period. Solomon had a particular issue he was teaching, and like his dad, it dealt with wandering eyes. Click here to read the complete instruction. Solomon gives some strategies that are worth paying attention to!

Strategies At Play

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… I learned to not make rash decisions when spending money and buying something. Even if I need it. Take your time to decide what’s best. Be willing to walk away from any opportunity if the pressure to “spend now” There is no rush until it is necessary to have something, and by then, you’ve analyzed all the options and are prepared to make the best choice.

Listen. As in days of old when it was a carnival barker tempting you into the tent to see something you’ve never seen before, plenty of modern-day sleight-of-hand artists know how to separate you from your money. There’s always a deadline! This deal is only good when you’re in the webinar. They can’t promise that it will be there tomorrow. Then they dangle a temptation that is irresistible. Payment plans! There, there! Was that so painful?

You need to have a strategy to face your personal challenges. I cannot tell you what those challenges may be. Only you know what your life is like. Be a Boy Scout! Always be prepared!

This Morning

I’m a morning person.
The quieter, the better.

Coffee. Prayer. Bible. News. Cereal. Coffee.
Add noise, and success flies out the window.
Why? Distractions.
Hearing issues.

The mind can only handle so much!
The lure of dangling baubles of distraction,
Deters the morning path to success.

So….thoughts like this pop up
This thought came to me at about 5:30 a.m.

Life is always a challenge.
Don’t even think of letting
it get you down.
Change your focus.
See beyond the challenge.
Where your eyes go,
so do your feet.
You got this!
Act like it!

Developing Strategy: Life is always a challenge. Don't even think of letting it get you down. Change your focus. See beyond the challenge. Where your eyes go, so do your feet. You got this! Act like it! Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!