Snow on front yardNot Winter Yet!

It’s the first day of December. November was our driest on record, and we had 20 degrees for weeks as low temperature. Fall had barely started! The snow coming now makes me wonder what Winter will look like! It’s Not Yet Winter!

Growing up in Texas, we knew Winter had arrived when standing water had a layer of ice. We seldom had snow, and when we did, we were unprepared. No gloves or huge winter coats. No ski bibs or snow boots.

The bliss of Alaska had snow on the ground from October through April and sometimes before and after the edges. One particular lake north of Anchorage opened roads across the ice when deemed thick enough and even had a form of traffic control!

If Wishes were Reality… I’d have snow for 9-months a year!

Winter isn’t Perfect

Having survived living in the cold country, reality says, “Remember when…”

Yes. Winter is not perfect. Lost power is scarier, busted water pipes from a frigid storm are not fun, and getting snowed in from 38 inches of snow, though beautiful, means you better be prepared not going anywhere for days! Pushing grocery carts through a snow/ice-packed parking lot is a struggle.

The further north you go, the less daylight you have in Winter. Today, Anchorage celebrates sunrise at 9:42 a.m. and sunset at 3:48 p.m. Go 850 road miles north, and you will arrive at Deadhorse, AK. You know it as desolate but oil-laden. Here? The sun does not rise. Why? The earth is tilted so far from the sun. As I write, it’s 3 degrees! The sun will finally arrive at 12:38 p.m. on January 18, 2023.

The Purpose of Snow

The Purpose of Snow

When the snow begins to fall and stays,
Suddenly you are covered in bliss and white
Soft falling, slushy and wet, or even as a pellet
Snow! We cry out! I’ve missed you! Please Stay!

The deeper, the better, or as some will say
At least enough to enjoy hours and days of play
Whether by machine, sled, or tube, sliding down the surface
A hilly terrain is pure fun and joy. Oh, please, never go away.

When you live in the mountains,
And lakes are where you find your supply,
Falling snow becomes your summer water source.
The more, the merrier when the heat of summer arrives.

Local meteorologists will note
The height of the snowpack hanging up high
The more you have, the better the reservoirs are filled
To solve the need for water when it’s dry.

Snow blankets the earth. The more, the better
As a warming presence to keep the ground from freezing
And all the underground pipes and tender growth
It protects what we cannot see.

Eventually, snow makes a tattered exit.
Some are ecstatic, while others slowly adapt to the change.
Melting snow leaves behind an ugly scene.
Mashed grass and shrubbery, oh, that’s where it’s been!

Into the Spring and Summer
Suddenly you notice the colors. That’s when you understand.
Though some don’t enjoy the cold, dark, and wet seasons.
To produce ardent green in Summer, we must have snow!
That is the purpose of snow in Winter.

~Michael Gurley (December 1, 2022)

Not Yet Winter: The calendar may say when Winter arrives, but don't tell the snow! We'll keep it a secret! Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!