Empty pieces of scattered writing paperWhere Are Your Words?

Can’t do this? Will do this!
Never gonna happen? Oh, yes, it will!
Won’t do this? Bet your bottom dollar I do!!
Words of doubt or perseverance to completion,
We speak both sides of the coin.
It depends on the day, season, and the moment’s mood.

Words are empty unless they produce something.
There’s a ‘fer cry between saying and doing.
That which I want to do, I don’t.
That which I never dreamed of doing, I will.
Again, the moment speaks the loudest as we declare our position.

Lord, I’ll never desert you!
Then you flee into the night!
Lord, I’ll defend you till the end!
Oh, Peter, put down your sword.
Finally, a moment alone on the shoreline with a fire.
Fish you didn’t catch, and a few quiet moments with the Lord.

Speak your position at the moment
With words that may not be truthful.
It depends upon the challenge we feel when we speak.
With hands on hips, we stop and spy with our little eyes,
Is this worth doing, or just say never and then believe it?

Cry, “Wolf!” The crowds come running. Nothing found.
Do it often enough, and they quit paying you “no never mind.”

I’ve learned that promises are empty, words are cheap,
What you do says more than what you speak.
Never brag about where you are and what you’ve done,
Just bloom with your actions and keep on doing.
You do not have to speak it…just do it…

Eventually, someone catches the results.
Of your actions that never need a voice.
We’ve grown used to empty words and no actions
If we would follow through and do,
You find there are no words to fill the emptiness of voice.

Empty Words are useless if you never follow them with action.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say.
Words should equal your actions, or, at the very least, give it your best try.

Don’t try to undo those years of emptiness with explanations
What we want to see is follow-through.
Speak it. Do it. Stay positive. Never negative.

Empty Words are useless if you never follow them with action. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Words should equal your actions, or, at the very least, give it your best try. Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!