Am I Equal To The Task?

This middle-of-the-night contemplation is not meant to give anyone advice on how to think.

Not everyone is equal to the need or task.
As I watched something smaller than a flea, I thought,
That little bug will take forever to get from one side of the sink to the other.
Then I flushed him down the drain.

Okay. It’s not as gruesome as it sounds. Or maybe it is.
But there’s no way this creature survives a trip to the front door,
Down the drive or out of the neighborhood.
Life expectancy and dangers will probably do him/her in before they make it very far.

It gave me pause to think about it from a different perspective.
How many pennies does it take to equal a million dollars?
A thousand times more than a $100 dollar bill?
Qualify the thought: Can each seeker be equal, or does it matter their limitations?

Amounts, distances, places, times, goals, and ambitions. –
All are uniquely defined by the true limits, or at least what you believe in.
Could we be reaching beyond our abilities and limits?
Especially when our talents are uniquely different.

Not every one of us has the talent to do what those we admire are doing.
Run a business, manage a portfolio, relationships, and even friendships.
Some can do it, many will try. Some have the ability, but many will never reach it.
Knowing my limitations is especially important else I will feel diminished.

It’s not that I cannot dream, wish, or yearn for something bigger than I.
But knowing I’ll never reach something doesn’t mean I can never try.
It’s from stretching ourselves beyond our outlook on life
That we see the road more clearly, because, at least we tried.

Not all are equal to the task, though every one of us can do something.
That’s way better than doing nothing because we don’t think we can.
Dream high, then fly as far, high, and fast as you can.
You’ve set a new stage for others to ponder. Can I?

It’s too late for that little creature of the sink.
Life has dealt a cruel fate.
But it does make me stop and think
There’s hope for that next little guy.

It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which,
more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.
~William James

Equal to the Task: Not all are equal to the task, though every one of us can do something. That's way better than doing nothing because we don't think we can. Right? Little Engine That Could? Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!