I’m a thinker. Ponderously, at time, and quick as lightning at others. Thinking is what I do best. There’s something about taking a subject, or thought, dismantling, reassemble, then smash it like a hot potato…begin again.

I enjoy being around thinkers.

Why? It’s a pretty quiet group. When I’m in my thinking space, I work to tune out the noise and distractions. If I have my Bose headsets? It’s easy. But when I don’t, and you need a space of normality, you get into a noisy room and just focus. F-O-C-U-S.

That’s good thinking time!

I glance around this hotel morning breakfast space. There are a lot of kids. That makes a noisy space. I look at my words in mind and on screen. It’s a noisy space.

The problem will always be sharing the completed thought. If you are honest about it, and I am, you must learn what “not” to share. To make a good product, you squeeze out the unnecessary, and fine-tune.

My writing helper (Grammarly) is always warning me to write better by dropping unnecessary content words. This streamlines the end result. Ahhh, now, if I could do the same in my mind.

Thinking About Finality

The past few weeks have been spent dealing with an approaching death. Finally, a rushed trip, along with the last few hours of life, we say goodbye. Now what? Just because life has ended you realize the finality of life still lingers. Decisions. Notifications. Memories rush in. You pause. Think.

One moment you’re here. The next moment? Gone. The essence of life fades and a shell remains. There’s an old country song I enjoy listening to, “Who’s Going to Fill These Shoes?” (Click Here to see the YouTube Video)

Pause. Think. Is this not the story of life?

Life is final if you don’t make an impression to affect the next generation. Is that a bad thought? Depends on how you are known, and what you wish to be known for.

This morning, I’m pausing as a 67 year old man, and thinking, who’s going to pick up the reins of my world when it’s time for me to move on? Be honest. Don’t you think about this, also?

Finality is not final. There’s more than our next breath. Choices made now affect our future in ways most will never comprehend.

I’ve stood at the foot of many hospital beds,
gazed at headstones of those gone on,
spoken my farewells with hope,
but reality says I may never know.

Paul speaks of this
In a way I think appropriate
“And if our hope in Christ
is only for this life,
we are more to be pitied
than anyone in the world.”
(1 Corinthians 15:19, NLT)

Here’s My Thought: My last breath is not my final moment. There may be none who will get in the traces of my direction and carry forward, but it’s not because I’m not trying.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
~Albert Einstein

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!