Planning your missionWhat's Your Mission Plan?

Yesterday I wrote about the Force of the Vision, and you cannot have a vision without knowing your Mission. Maybe that’s why we abdicate our role to gget by dailybecause our Mission has no challenge.

Do you want to lose weight? You set a goal, change your habits, and march forward as your new intentional life progresses to the new target.

This is the same way with every choice of life we put before us. Save money for a new house, finish a degree, build a career, raise a family, or even the next vacation. What we want becomes a challenge, and we develop an action plan to accomplish the Mission. That’s Life. Everyday. All the time. You can do this!

The Challenge of the Mission: What we want becomes a challenge, and we develop an action plan to accomplish the Mission. That's Life. Everyday. All the time. You can do this! Click To Tweet

Mission planners are a true vocation.
Some are good at it with an innate ability to balance the need against the times we alive

Do you want to make good choices along the way? Are you prepared for a change of Mission? Can you act sanely at the moment, or are you a reactionary? Quick! Watch the charging moment! Are you nagileenough to handle that raging bull of a moment as moves toward you? I’m thinking of a toreador and a matador – the first just fights the bull, the second is meant to kill the animal. Think about the difference. What’s your Mission?

Spiritual Application

Of course, there are spiritual applications. I was considering the difference between two words: Disciple and Believer. You can be one, or both, but is there one that has a greater call to it? Can you be one without the other? Probably. But when you combine the power of both, then you are dedicated to the mission.

There was a great crowd following Jesus and he laid out a sample of what it meant to be his disciple.

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’
Luke 14:28-30 NKJV

Essentially, Jesus is warning against those who are not sufficiently invested in the outcome of the calling. Don’t start what you don’t finish. You can always finish what is before you, but when you are not giving it your all can you be His disciple? (Luke 14:27, 33)

Perhaps this is why there are so few finishers at the end of the race. Somewhere along the way their planning for the future was sadly lacking. Look around you. Which camp are you in?

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!