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Although I enjoy sharing my blogs with whoever decides they want to read, there are some mornings I have nothing I want to say. It’s not that my thoughts are blank, but the process of taking notes and then writing, well, let’s say it’s a process. Some mornings I don’t feel like it. Zip and Nada! Let’s throw in a Ninguno!

I guess I’ll keep my thoughts to myself.

This is one of those mornings. I have more than a hundred draft thoughts ready for polishing, and those fleeting imaginations of something valuable constantly flash through my mind. This morning? Nothing rises to the surface and says, “Oh. Oh… Pick me!” Remember Horshack?

If I’m going to keep them to myself, then I make some notes, save them in a myriad of folders, and polish them for production someday in the future.

Daydreamers? Dream, and if they remember, then eventually they’ll write and share.
Planners? Plan. If they are trying to get something done, they will Document and Do it.

When the barrel is empty, the well has run dry, and the wind has quit blowing, what do you have? Niente!

In the mornings, if I don’t get started early, I’m blasted by responsibilities. I’m busy getting things done before the day shines over the horizon. My routine is shot, blasted and it feels wasted. Did it sustain me? Does it give me something to share? Nicht!

Making a Positive out of a negative often requires hard work and perseverance and an attitude that doesn’t back down nor lets up.

I Got Nothing, Zip, Nada… Making a Positive out of a negative often requires hard work and perseverance and an attitude that doesn't back down nor lets up. Click To Tweet

On The Other Hand

I’m nothing if I cannot look at the other side of the coin and realize life is more than what I think in the momentary negative. There’s always positive. What’s that old math formula? (Seventh-grade math, right?)

Positive + Positive = Positive 1 + 1 = 2
Negative + Negative = Negative (-1) + (-1) = -2
Positive + Negative = The sign of the largest integer. (1) + (-2) = -1, (-1) + (-2) = -3, etc…

It’s hard to come back from the negative with only a little positive. You must Think and Make life positive to delete the negative. Trounce the Negative! Be Positive!

So, I do have something positive to share. I’m blessed beyond measure. There may be nothing in my bag of words I feel like sharing, but I’m thankful for all the blogs I’ve posted, lessons I’ve taught, and messages I’ve preached. God has given me a thinking mind, even if it’s hard to put it in the public purview. Equally, I’m blessed for all the voices that speak into my life.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;
when health is lost, something is lost;
when the character is lost, all is lost.
~Billy Graham

In just these few short thoughts, I realize. I Do Have Something To Share!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!