Reason Why?Reason why?

It’s trite to think this, but I’m not sure it’s true. Is there a reason for everything? There can’t be. With all the tragedies and struggles, dealing with death, wars, and fears – there cannot ever be a good enough reason to accept that some go through horrific events.

Where did this noise come from?

Just before 5 a.m. this morning, a loud thump and a moaning sound woke me from a near-dead sleep. Immediately, I thought of the puppies. But they are too far away to make a sound like this. Then, I thought of our outside shepherds, and, though, yes, they could have made this kind of noise there would be a ruckus coming from all the ones not involved. I reached across the bed. It’s not my bride. She’s still asleep and sleeping soundly.

Where did this noise come from?

Did I have a vivid dream? Was it Memorex? Did something happen elsewhere, and I got a “wake-up” call to some tragedy? Was this a spiritual awakening?

I lay there, my heart pounding on slightly more than a trudge up the stairs. Roll over. Sleep? It won’t come. Get up. Check the house. News. Social Feeds. Everything seems to be calm and normal. May as well stay up. Wait. The clock tells me it’s my every day getting up time anyway. Maybe my subconscious was trying to alert me to my internal alarm clock.

Start the morning routine.

Life. Sometimes things happen. Often, there’s no rhyme or reason as to why we face certain things. Somewhere down the road, it may make sense. At the moment? I have no clue the source of the noise. I’m awake. Jumpstart my morning and get in gear for another busy day.

There's A Reason For Everything, Right? Life. Sometimes things happen. Often, there's no rhyme or reason as to why we face certain things. Somewhere down the road, it may make sense. At the moment? Click To Tweet

Uncertain Reasons

Why do we face challenges? Hurdles? Obstacles? Stumbling blocks? What lessons may we learn? Did we even need this trial at this moment?

Where did the noise come from? Why did I hear it? Why?

I’m reading another book by Charles Martin. I’m learning something with each screen of words. How to say something better, connect with my spiritual roots in light of the moment, thinking through things I would never have thought about before. It’s been a great experience. After 60+ years of reading, I’ve found a new author I can enjoy while learning.

In his latest novel (A Life Intercepted), he covers the gambit of the unknown. The main character is a rising football star, and suddenly his engine is off-the-rails. The train wreck is enormous. No one could recover from this struggle. Abandoned. Castigated. Crash. Burn.

The star is the quarterback. He’s quick on his feet, thinks through his options, and often comes from behind in the end to create a win. But in his current trial? He’s the victim. There’s nothing he can do to make it right. Just about everyone has given up on him, even the love of his life. The voice and feelings of a coach and friend cut through the fog. Maybe a shockwave is needed to make him dig out of the mess he had no idea was coming.

Why write a story like this?

There are many biblical parallels throughout what I’ve read. I get it. This is how the author writes. The challenges we face today are not new. It’s been happening for many millennia. We may be further down the road of society, but the challenges we face have been with us since the beginning.

I’m learning something about life and myself through the author’s story style.
I’ve underscored, copied, shared many truths from the pages of his books.

The author’s way of sharing spiritual trues while facing life head-on, even when blindsided from left field, are valuable lessons in preparing for life. His stories have a reason, even when we don’t comprehend the concept.

Maybe that’s why I heard the noise this morning. Where did my noise come from? Is there a reason for me to awake at 4:58 a.m.? Why? IDK! (I don’t know) Except. I’m at my computer sharing this thought with you.

There may be no clear answer as to “what” I heard, or even “why” I was aware of it. It’s probably nothing to be worried about. Still, there’s a question in my spirit. I’ll dig around the roots for a while, but eventually, the time will come when I stop thinking about it.

Solomon gave an applicable conclusion.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 NKJV

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!