Words on a beach Believe in YourselfBe You

It’s the first of the end! Let’s look at the calendar. The last working day of the week, month, and year. Yes. It’s Friday, the last day of 2021, December, Week 52. Okay. It’s only Friday, and tomorrow kicks off the New Year and the actual last day of week 52. But give it to me for recognizing the truth.

As I look over my shoulder at 2021, I’m happy to say “goodbye,” and looking forward, I shout, “Hello!” At the same time! In the same breath! Welcome #TwentyTwentyTwo! This is my #hashtage for the new year. I don’t want to use the numbers. Everyone else will. I will use the words! Stand out! Why? #TwentyTwentyTwo will be a Standout Year!

Quickly, look ahead 365 days. What will the end of 2022 be like? Time will tell. Right now, I’m excited to see the new year! Time and Date calendars tell me it’s a constantly moving countdown from here to there. [Click Here to see the TimeandDate Calculation.]

Answer this question. What, or who, matters? The answer is obvious. You Do!

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Look backward with regret. There’s nothing you can do about the past, except you can think about how you will live tomorrow! Compare who you are today to what you were back then, and speculate who you will be then and there!

It’s too late to start with the mindset “it’s too late” It’s never too late to start something that is better than nothing. Do you need someone else’s words to prompt you?

Do, or do not, there is no try. ~Yoda
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right. ~Henry Ford
I can do all things through Christ ~Paul

It's too late to start with the mindset "it's too late" It's never too late to start something that is better than nothing. Do, or do not, there is no try. ~Yoda Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right. ~Henry… Click To Tweet

I believe the worst of the pandemic over the past two years has focused me differently. Family matters. Health matters. My Church matters. Being a spiritual person matters. Being a discerner of truth and justice matters.

What matters the most? Before you answer, consider this. You Matter! Don’t count yourself out of the equation. Without you, what will get done that you want to be done? Nothing. So. Repeat after me… I Matter!

The First of the End: What matters the most? Before you answer, consider this. You Matter! Don't count yourself out of the equation. Without you, what will get done that you want to be done? Nothing. So. Repeat after me… I Matter! Click To Tweet

Yes. The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. But I hope you come through it with a different perspective. I have. What’s my focus? That holy trinity of Me, Myself, and I.

I matter.

It’s not that I will be selfish and think only of myself. Instead, I will consider who I was meant to be and accomplish the role set before me. Regardless of what others may think of me, and I’ve never cared, I matter! I have a purpose and a plan, a dream, a goal, a desire, and a focus. I will not be stepped on, dragged down, pushed into a corner, or disrespected. It’s time to quit hiding who I am called on to be. That’s me. I’m back. Here I come.

Welcome #TwentyTwentyTwo! Let’s Do It!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!