My bride is driving. Clear skies. Open road. Her first time on this whole trip where the only distraction relates to commercial trucks limited to 55 mph! What a problem! Before this she fought construction, wind storms and accident scenes. (On the infamous Grapevine.)

We’ve been guessing what the million acres are growing. Grapes. Almonds. Oranges. Filberts. Then clear cutting, they tear it all down. Groom the field. Something new? Well, maybe next trip.

She’s singing along to a playlist, enjoying the moment, by moment, and, wait for it…there’s another moment.

What do you do when you are the passenger and you are normally the driver? Me? I think. Tune it all out and enjoy her enjoying.

  • How do they clean out all the debris, groom the land, prepare it for growing something? Cost to prepare?
  • Why are they planted in certain row directions? Wind? Water flow? Cost to maintain and harvest?
  • What are their crops worth?
  • Why do they call them “ranches?” Not a cow insight until a feed lot shows up with thousands of cows behind prison razor wire?
  • Where’s the water come from in this arid place?
  • There are lots of tumbleweeds! Where do they come from? What were they before?
  • Solar farms! Or, are they ranches?
  • The most roadside debris in all our travels have been from worn out tires.
  • They grow cotton in New Mexico!

Well. Endless thoughts.

We are driving 15 hours today…if the pass into Oregon is open. Snow ahead in about 7 hours. We will see.

Hope you have a blessed day!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!