Stress Can Break Us, Or NotStress Can Break Us, Or Not

Heading home and making good progress. Three weeks of vacating and relaxing should store up that restful feeling of getting ready to face the “grind.” It’s not there. The pent-up pressures are not relieved. The stress is loading up and finding release. In odd ways.

What’s going on? It’s not a good feeling.

Late arriving at the hotel, I’m ready to sleep, and it’s been a great night of rest. The stress is still tightening the shoulders. The mind is racing. Aches are revealing themselves. It’s frustrating!

Coffee time. Early this morning, slowly facing the day with no feeling of rush. The mind is crumbling up the words and tossing them to the side as I write. It’s hot inside. Why doesn’t someone turn on the AC?

What’s happening?

Every mile home and I feel the weight loading itself. There’s a lot to accomplish and next week is Christmas!

What do you do?

If you are reading this, have you ever felt like you don’t want to pick up the reins? What do you do to force yourself back into the groove? Actions vs Reactions! Stress vs Destress? Ready, or not, Thursday is about to show up with both feet.

Full retirement age hit about six months ago. Next birthday is less than a month away. #TwentyTwentyTwo is days away.

Sitting in the hotel breakfast area, the noise of guests, new, and loud floors makes me flee. I’d much rather face morning traffic.

I’m Not Ready!

What do you do? It’s been my habit to just pick up the reins, grab hold of the plows handle, and jump back into the grind. It’s not working this time.

A new variant has shown up. People are running scared. Over-reactions by those who’s jobs are to make good decisions for all of us. This trip home almost feels like March, 2020 when everyone was scared. Towns closed up on our way home from vacation. We were forced into living with others fears.

How do you handle these times? Deep breaths? Meditation? Go outside and yell loudly to simulate a tea pot starting to boil? Introspection? Slug something without worrying about the consequences? Head for the hills?

Good questions, every one.

I’m asking you. What do you do when it’s time to return to normal and it is not happening? Care to share?

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!