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Ready For The Long Haul: See the end of the row before you start anything. That makes sense if the road is plottable. If not, then check your toolbox to see what may be missing. #TwentyTwentyTwo Click To Tweet

Do you remember 2020? March and April, to be more specific.
The pandemic news was unfolding, and we were mandated certain responses.
I call them the “Holy Three.” Maybe, it should be the “Unholy Three.”
Let’s see.

Physical separation – there’s nothing social about it.
Sanitize – we’ve since learned that we should have been like this all along.
Masks – Oh, just for a week, maybe two. That’s all you’ll need.

That was 2020. With a backward glance, no one had a clue.
Our response to life, a weird long-haul time to something you cannot control.
Get ready for 2022. It’s been nearly two full years of weirdness.

Call it politics, personality, or fear, I don’t care.
There are more sides to the story than you can shake a stick at!
We are still trying to control what we cannot see with actions that we think will save us all.

I believe we are in this season for the long haul.
If we count them as seasons, maybe we’ve moved from Spring to Summer, but it’s been strange.
Summer to Fall has yo-yo’d so many times as variants and bumps to the statistics prove.
“We ain’t there yet!”

Some have reported they will probably wear a mask for the rest of their life.
It’s a fashion statement, like scarves or neckties, quite the collection to match any ensemble.
We made our sanitizer at home. It’s easy to do, but you were glad for the skill when the stores ran out.
I’ve been jostled in the store lines with no apology by some who are not practicing social distancing.
What is one to do?

It’s been different. Yet, I feel like this is the long haul of life we are living.
Financial fortunes are changing as some refuse to get vaccinated. Jobs come and go.
Some need to work, some want the job, but many are afraid to go.
Can we be ready? Are you ready?

I Think I’m Ready

I wrote these notes in my social posts on this same date during the past several years.

Choose your life, the lane, speed, vehicle, and focus.
All as required to be the person you are meant to be.
Stay fueled, maintenance schedule attended, refreshed for the long haul!

Some good news bolster’s our bad position and we are comforted
that we must be in the right and ok.
Conversely, we sometimes see bad news showing we must be in the right
staring in the face of adversity.
Good or bad, sometimes news is just news covering the fact of living our life.

Today’s Confusion paints us into a corner where there seems to be no escape.
It is felt by everyone who is intimidated by circumstances.


“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” ~Unknown
1degree of rudder shift = huge difference 12 hours later.
Too many try to live right but never realize their course is not precise.


“Your past is not your identity.
Who you were and what you did just shows your past.
We all have one! It’s not your identity or your future.” ~Sandi Krakowski

“People rarely become defensive about what you’re saying
but become defensive about why they think you’re saying it.” ~Herb Winslow

Of course, I was younger back then, chomping for the future. Long haul road to the end! Retirement. Travel. Life, as we imagined the previous 40+ years, had prepared for us like a reward at the end of a fiscal year.

You Never Know

Since we never know what the future holds, could I say? Be ready. You never know. Be flexible. Let’s go!

We pray that you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard. As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work. We pray that you’ll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.
(Colossians 1:10-12 MSG)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!