One Degree Makes a Difference on a compassJust One Degree

Between success and failure, you often find a single degree of separation. Just One Degree. How often do we turn away from our goal and never realize that one more push would have produced the desired results?

I’m contemplating some avenues of life where I found success. No, great success. It did not come by luck. Rather, it looked like work, wore overalls, and maybe even carried a shovel. Hard work does not always produce success, but remember Thomas Edison? When asked about his win at creating a light bulb, he said there were nearly 10,000 ways that did not work. He persevered, pushed through, and never quitted from his endeavor.

What if you quit one minute too soon?

When leading anything, or anyone, you learn that your most significant success comes from your influence. Making change is not about sudden departures from the norm unless it’s a cliff you are avoiding! Instead, it’s about micro-shifts of direction.

One degree of rudder shift,
will make a vast difference 12 hours later.
It’s not about the here and now,

but more about tomorrow.
What are you accepting or doing now,
that will have huge penalties or rewards tomorrow?

Where do you want to be?

That’s my thought this morning. Through everything we struggle with, don’t give up. If it’s about change, make it one degree at a time. This is applicable on so many levels.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!