Why? On a chalkboardWhy, oh Why?

We’ve walked through the valleys
and felt the cold shadow of death.
The precipice beneath our feet
has caused our hearts to faint.
Dangers, snares, traps, galore.
Why, O God, Why?

We’ve all seen death’s face
with our own eyes and cried.
Struggles of wondering why,
and questioning, questioning God.
Ups and downs, doom seems inevitable.
Why O God, Why?


I’ve watched as some fling down tools in disgust because they failed to work as before. Bang on computer keyboards because of frustration. Stomp away from an appliance, even a car, because it would not do what it was designed to do. Tensions mount. Tear your hair out. Turn your head to the skies and cry, “Why?

Many are in this season doing this with God! Why?!!!? Why are we going through this? What did we do? I don’t believe that it’s my fault!

The questioning doesn’t stop until it turns into the Blame Game. Many are blaming the product, the times, and even the situation. “It’s not my fault! Why did you let it happen?” Seldom do we look inward and own the problem. It’s often not someone or something else. More than likely, the problem exists within ourselves. From the surface to the deep. From the present to way back in time.

We often are our own worst enemy.

The times? We created. The situation? We’ve blown every opportunity to address it better. Instead of backing our emotions down into a tempered moment, we let it loose like La Palma, and everything in our path is doomed for destruction.

Yet, somewhere in the mix, there are those not so afflicted as we feel. Why do they escape the issue? How do we make our lives better than before?

Desperation sets in. Laws are passed. Blame is passed around like cards in a poker game. Bets are made with tax dollars. Riches ride high while more and more become homeless flotsam on the tide. We never undo the spastic approach. Terminate if you’re not vaccinated! No benefits as afforded to others. Kick ’em when they’re down. Our future is assured with laws that make no sense and times that are never understood.

Sideliners and spectators snicker as I’m sure they must have in that Great Colosseum of a bygone era. Roar, crowd, roar!

Flip Side

Fuss and fume with a dog that has done something wrong, and how does that dog respond? Tail between legs cowered before the mighty human and yearning to be in good graces again. Dogs want to please, and they are pretty good with that “hangdog” look!

I’ve watched a child face tough times and never be distressed nor depressed. Their personality carries them through the rough times. Even when touched with infirmities and issues as others, they always have a ray of hope beaming forth. Sometimes that child is you or me. When we see it in others, we marvel.

Be wrong. Do wrong. But learn life on the flip side. There is a better way to express yourself—a better way to live. Sometimes we have to relearn our approach. Become a child on a learner’s journey.

Jesus said it like this:

And having called forward a little child, Jesus set him in their midst.
And He said, Truly I say to you,
Unless you convert and become as the little children,
not at all can you enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
Then whoever will humble himself as this little child,
this one is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven.
(Matthew 18:2-4 LITV)

The concept of conversion is stressful to many. They’ve reached their pinnacle, “Why must I start over?” Why? Because we all start over when we’ve picked up bad habits. All the time. We think nothing of it.

Become As Little Children

Start your path anew.

Be like a child ready to learn. Again, and even again, if that first time did not work out so well.

Change your ways. Adapt better viewpoints.

Realize not everyone is on the same journey as you. Today. Tomorrow? Well. That’s the future. Who knows?

Why, O God, Why? Come on! Start your path anew. Change your ways. Adapt better viewpoints. Realize not everyone is on the same journey as you. Today. Tomorrow? Well. That's the future. Who knows? Click To Tweet
Thanks For Reading!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!