Savory moments of Coffee beansSavory Moments

When you reach a turning point in life and look back at where you’ve been, often, you realize what you’ve missed. Tons of events that have left no imprints to create savory moments. That’s when we know we’re slipping through life, one second at a time. Even if you stop to smell the roses, you don’t remember the moment. If there’s one thing I’ve learned as I age, there are multiple moments in my past that make my today better. Memories. Savory Moments. Life.

It’s distressing to realize many do not have these moments to flavor their present or give them an “ah-ha” moment in the future. When you reach the end of your life, I’m sure you’ll remember all those board meetings, stressful commutes, angry bosses, and disappointments that you face every working day of life. Really? What about those sweet moments that bring joy and peace?

I’ve often said weddings are more stressful than funerals. You are trying to make sure everything is spot-on perfect! Everyone must be pleased, or disappointments will linger. Can we enjoy both? Celebrate the memories? Sure. Even in stressful events, we create savory moments.

Raising kids can be pretty stressful. The first one teaches you the ropes, and even though every child is different, you feel like you are a pro as the next ones come along. Life forces you through moments of pain, angst, suffering, tears, and tantrums. Is that what we remember from those years? I remember cuddly moments, sharing, and missing out when things happened as I was on the road. Savory Moments…even when you are raising kids!

Family gatherings can be memorable, just like taking seven AKC German Shepherd pups to the vet for their next round of shots. Yes. That was this early morning. Stress. On puppies and us. While waiting for each one to go in for their vaccinations, we thoroughly enjoyed watching their interactions and catching their attention for unique treatments—Savory Moments…even in stressful times.

Vacations are for rest and creating those savory moments of total relaxation. If all you use them for is to rush here, spend money there, and run, run, run…then you’ll only remember the headache of the trip. Something is missing. When we traveled to England and Scotland, where did we have our best experiences? It was cool and blustery, rainy and early Spring. My kind of weather! The crowded streets, subways, and sites made it stressful. In London, of course. But when we got on the train to Edinburgh, suddenly the stress was gone. “Look at all those nuclear power plants! I wonder if we will see Hadrian’s Wall?” Whistle stops to load and unload. Lunch and snacks on board. What a beautiful day! Then, we rented a car and drove through Scotland! Coast to coast! Loch Ness. Castles. Museums. Churches. Shops. William Wallace. Exciting. Different. So much history to experience. New sites to explore. I’m ready to go back! Savory Moments…make you want to do it again! But only if I can drive and be in control! Road Trip!

Yes, Even Smells Are Savory

My earliest memory of something smelling wonderful was not from a kitchen, like, hot yeast rolls coming out of the oven. Actually, it’s coffee. I’m maybe four years old, and we are traveling down Navigation Blvd in Houston headed for The Salvage. It’s where damaged goods from the shipping industry are being sold. Before you get there, it’s a big company coffee roaster that sends out smell magnets as the beans are being perfected for shipping. Coffee roasting! If I could put a scratch-and-sniff button in this blog and transfer the smells through the internet to your reading location, you would have to agree with me! It’s the best perfume smell that gets me every time! Savory Moments 62 years in the making and I still remember!

Life is full of savor if we will only look for it and determine to remember it for favored recalls down the road. Don’t get so bogged down in the disappointments of the moment. Live for the savory moments you will recall that make your future more enjoyable.

Savory Moments of Life: Life is full of savor if we only look for it and determine to remember it for favored recalls down the road. Don't get so bogged down in the disappointments of the moment. Live for the savory moments. Click To Tweet
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By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!