Man praying in church at an altarWho Has Power, What's Your Belief?

Okay. We live in pandemic times. Strangely, the battle brewing has come down to who has the power to force you to do something you don’t want to do. To vaccinate, or not. Wear a mask, or not. Stay socially distanced, or not. Stay home, or live normally. Trust Big Pharma, or not. Trust government, or not.

Hmmm. Am I missing anything? Probably. But for now, this is my morning focus. We are being shamed and pushed into compliance. If we all give in, perhaps, the pandemic will end. If we don’t, variants of the virus will spread, and even more, the vulnerable and healthy could die.

In a local school, a teacher told students to wear their masks properly, and then, it appears, she went on a rant about what unvaccinated people are doing. They will “literally kill everyone on the planet.” There’s a recording, so it’s not me guestimating what happened. It’s posted on social platforms and in the hands of the news media. The teacher is now on paid administrative leave while the situation is investigated. [Story here]

The stories pile up into a vast chasm that makes those worried about being forced to be vaccinated frustrated and upset. You are forced to one side or the other. That’s your only choice. They are losing their jobs, livelihood, careers, financial base – all because they do not give in to those in power pushing all to be vaccinated. Big Pharma says we will all need another booster or vaccination next year due to changing variants. [Source]

Who do we believe? What’s your belief system? Who has power over you? Who do you let control you?

Who Do You Believe?

This question is asked and mostly not answered around the globe. Some people give in easily because their form of government has great power, and, perhaps, they’ve grown used to being told what choices are valid. Others have no central governing control, and it seems they are not stepping up voluntarily to be vaccinated.

In my mind, it comes down to the question: Who do you believe?

Every bit of news during this pandemic seems to have been challenged by someone else in similar positions of knowledge and power. No one seems to have the complete answer. Some believe they are correct. Others also “in the know” present a different picture. The bottom line? No one knows precisely what to do or what to do next. Why? They’ve never been here before. Big Pharma is making billions providing their solution, and of course, they want to

At the same time, the push is on for “ladies to stand up for your rights…your body, your choice.” But, stand up against vaccinations? That’s just wrong. Right? Can we even compare the multiple sides of any argument where it seems one side should be allowed while the other side must cave in?

Power Struggles For Millennium

From minor issues to giant planet-changing situations, we have always had to choose one side or the other. Power. Money. Votes. Politics. You name it. Everything comes into play. Here, there, now and then. Who to believe? Who do we follow? Who has the power over us?

Plagues. Religion. Culture. Ethnicity. Race. Origins. Science. Gender. Age. Ad nauseum.

The laundry list of sides is enormous! Families are divided. Nations warring within, as well as without. As someone close to me said, “Time to wipe society back to zero and try again.” We know this is not an answer. If we’ve been here before, we’ll be here again.

There is no change to what we become unless we are willing to change what we are.

Is prophecy playing a massive role in understanding where we are and where we are headed? Perhaps. For generations, we’ve watched winning and losing march across the planet! On the one hand, we are upset when life happens to us. On the other hand, it’s been happening since time began.

What did Popeye say? ‘I ‘yam what I ‘yam!‘ Research says the Apostle Paul said the nearly same thing thousands of years ago.

But by the grace of God, I am what I am…
(1 Corinthians 15:10 NKJV)

If You Are Not A Believer

If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
Believe in science alone, and you’ll go where science leads you.
Follow a political system, then you’ll fight everyone else on the other side(s).
Trust your leaders, and they’ll never lead you astray. Right??!! Hmmm. Who knows?

If you don’t believe in God, and He’s right, then all you do believe in may be wrong.

Take some time on your own and study the letter Paul wrote to the church at Philippi. In the beginning, he brings them into his situation and encourages them with these words.

For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
(Philippians 1:21 NKJV)

He was their example. A pattern to follow. The mold to be like. Disciples. Followers.

In today’s world, perhaps, we should have our focus based solidly on our belief system. I’m a Christian, so my worldview does not take into account those things which do not strengthen my walk with God. I’m like that old song, “Count your blessings, name them one, by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done!”

Powers and Beliefs – Over us, and in us: There is no change to what we become unless we are willing to change what we are. Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!