Sign of H-o-p-eHope, Priced to Sell

We hold out for the miracle that is sure to happen in the last moments before the calamity. Pray for an answer. Look for a solution. An airplane pilot never gives up; even as they crash, they are looking for the right next step.

Have you been around someone who seems to have given up all hope? They have nothing to live for. Nothing on the horizon seems to be the silver lining. If you are not careful, their doom, gloom, and despair may lasso you.

In a section of his letter to Thessalonica, Paul writes about living a pleasing life to God. He immediately jumps into the Resurrection, which is what all Christians look forward to.

But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
(1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 NKJV)

They were looking for the rapid return of Christ but knew not everyone would be alive at the time it happened. So, Paul tells them not to have sorrow as others “who have no hope.” If we believe…

If We Believe

In my way of thinking, hope is hopeless if there is nothing to tie our hope to. In other words, I believe there’s an answer, so I live with the hope of that result. The writer of Hebrews tells us that hope is an “anchor for the soul.” (Hebrews 6:19) Peter describes our hope as “lively!” (1 Peter 1:3)

Imagine that. If we believe, then we should be lively with that belief! Our hope is not locked away in a trunk or safe deposit box at the bank. Rather, it’s something we carry and use all the time.

But even if you suffer for doing what God approves, you are blessed. Don’t be afraid of those who want to harm you. Don’t get upset. But dedicate your lives to Christ as Lord. Always be ready to defend your confidence [hope] in God when anyone asks you to explain it. However, make your defense with gentleness and respect.
(1 Peter 3:14-15 GW)

Always Be Ready

It was the Scouting motto of my youth. “Be Prepared.” I’m seldom caught without being prepared for anything, although not everything has happened yet that I can test this theory against.

Let tragedy rock your world, and you’ll find out steadfast your hope might be. Uncertain times? Ditto. Let the air go out of your balloon, and you’ll quickly find if you have the hope for another puff of air from another source!

We cannot prepare for every eventuality, true, but we can prepare ourselves to respond to life in general.

Test Whether Your Hope Is Strong

Listen for a tidbit of news. If you worry it like a dog does a bone or look for the negative and are hard-pressed to see the positive, then you may be someone who is not prepared for a hopeless situation. Looking for the good seems to acknowledge the person has hope in more situations than not. Digging for solutions means you are not stuck in the muck (…and mire.)

Be honest with yourself. If you are constantly worried and fearful, then you may have no hope. How do you increase your hope?

When Hope Is Your Last Word – Do not let the world drain you of your hope. Increase your hope in Godly things, and He will see you through your life. Click To Tweet

Increase Your Hope

This could be a long process, but I’ll make it short. If you are interested in building up your most holy faith (Jude 1:20), from which your hope is increased, then take these three thoughts to heart.

  1. Turn away from things that decrease your strength in God. This should be easy, but it’s not. So much of life seems to be godless. Increase your attentionin those moments and you will create roadblocks to trusting in Godly things. Fill up your spare space with worldly pursuits (yes, including video games, entertainment, reading, watching…) then you will have no place left for God.
  2. Soak up the things of God that draw you closer to Him. Prayer, Reading His Letters to us (Bible), Fellowship with believers, Worship him in everything and all the time, Listen to instruction provided in preaching and teaching moments. David says it’s good for him to draw near to God (Psalms 73:28)…wouldn’t that be good for us?
  3. Share with others, and be accountable for what you share. There’s this “iron sharpening iron” (Proverbs 27:17) focus that teaches us to keep our sparring inside with others who can sharpen our wits. Only when my focus is held long enough to defend my answer to anyone else, I need to keep sharpening myself with that one who is closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)


For the past week, I’ve been writing about Words we need to have in our vocabulary that are the “tools of the trade.”

LoveJoyGracePeace… And now, Hope.

We’ve only scratched the surface. Dig around in your toolbox of words and find out how often you use these words for living your overcoming life. Are they regularly part of your mindset and language?

Well, I’m hoping (get it?) to encourage all of us more to change the language of life to reflect more the things of Godly blessings we need from a better path of life.

Stay tuned… There are plenty of words yet to come!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!