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Best Quotes About God

  1. “When I wake up every morning, I thank God for the new day.” ~ F. Sionil Jose
  2. “God has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself.”
  3. “When God gives you a new beginning, don’t repeat the same mistake.”
  4. “Trust that God will put the right people in your life at the right time and for the right reasons.”
  5. “Faith is trusting God even when you don’t understand his plan.”
  6. “God loves you more in a moment than anyone could in a lifetime.”
  7. “Don’t worry about other people’s opinions of you. God never told you to impress people; only to love them.” ~Dave Willis
  8. “Don’t treat people the way they treat you. Treat people the way God treats you.” ~Dave Willis

From my pre-teen mind… “Dog spelled backwards is truly our best friend.”

From my elder years looking back, “Want to give God a chuckle? Tell Him your plans!”

What’s your favorite quote or description about God?

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!