Sometimes Weeds WinSometimes Weeds Win

It may simply be a personality quirk of mine, but there are times – too many of them for some – I’m simply content to let the weeds win.

There. Confession is good for the soul! I know a groomed lawn looks nice, but it takes an enormous amount of work and continuous care to keep it that way. That’s not natural! That’s why I want a “yard”. Not a lawn. I don’t want to spend the effort it takes to make it a “lawn.”

So. Sometimes the weeds win the battle. And I’m okay with that.

Except. This is where I draw the line. We have an invasive species all Scotch Broom. In the brightly lit edges of the forest and throughout the wide-open spaces, it will invade and ruin it for everyone. My shovel is my friend. Spot the yellow blooms in the spring and wipe them from the face of the earth!

So. Sometimes weeds should not win. Where do I draw the line? Well, if you know anything about me you know I enjoy mowing. Perhaps I’ll let some weeds win, but keep everything under control. Mow it level. Except for the fence line. Let the weeds win there.

I’ve Watched Others

I’ve watched my neighbors who enjoy their green and luscious lawns. Enormous amounts of chemicals are used to keep the weeds and the chiggers under control.

Have you ever played “Whack a Mole”? If a mole pops up, they attack it and whatever the attraction that drew it into their space with fervor. In fact, put enough critter poison out and the moles have nothing to eat, so, they never show up.

Watching others, and knowing myself, I’ve come to some conclusions that apply to much of life in general…but mainly it’s about my yard… and me…

Take this as an application of “thinking it through”…

  1. Soil conditions – Everything needs soil to grow and soil needs conditioning to keep it in the freshest condition to hold nutrients and moisture for the roots. Roots find their nourishment in the soil. Poor soil produces a poor opportunity for the plants to be successful. Fail to care for the soil, grasses will struggle, but most weeds will not! In fact, many of my weeds grow where there are rocks and little soil!
  2. Nutrients – I’m not much on fertilizer, but this is often required in certain regions where the rain can wash away what might be in the soil naturally. Properly timed nutrient addition can give the grass time to recover and provide coverage that will choke out the weeds.
  3. Weed Killers – I’m not much into putting out poisons that will kill certain things, but not others – but this may be a requirement at certain times of the year. Of course, it’s probably not wise to do it at the wrong time. Early in the season, if you make it where the weeds are not welcome they will die out.
  4. Bug Killers – Some bugs bring some pesky rodents into the yard. Kill their food source and they have no reason to visit.
  5. Trimming – I love to mow, but sometimes I don’t get to it soon enough… So, I have to cut deeper than I should. The rules say to trim only about 1/3 of the length, even if it means multiple mowing in subsequent days. Sometimes, we cut the good stuff shorter than we should and it becomes stressed. Stressed grass allows the weeds to sprout!

Some simply pay someone to take care of their needs. Not me. Do it myself or let it go natural.

Think this through with me…

So, my summation is this. There is a way to win. We need to revitalize from the soil upward! Utilize better nutrients! Judiciously apply the weed killers! Trim the good stuff the right way to keep plants from stressing out.

Stress the good stuff and they struggle, but that’s when weeds win!

My list tells me a lot about the conditions of my space, and perhaps about how I deal with life in general. Whether we replace the word “weeds” with “time thieves” or “wasteful spending” or even “wrong choices” – there are always ways to properly set up a life where these “weeds” are not battled tomorrow.

Choices today set up the game plan for tomorrow!


A good friend of mine shared something that I’ve carried around with me that describes how I love to start my day, as in, set up my game plan at the start of the day and I’m prepared for the whole day!

“Don’t have your concert first,
and then tune your instruments;
begin the day with the Word of God and Prayer.”
~Hudson Taylor via Steve Smith

We cannot win the battle against anything if our instruments are out of tune! Nor can we win against spiritual conditions if we are not prepared for the battle. Jesus understood this very well.

For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost,
whether he has enough to complete it?
Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish,
all who see it begin to mock him, saying,
‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’
(Luke 14:28-30 ESV)

How Do We Have Success?

Timing must be right. Conditions must be ripe. And we must be prepared. In advance and at the right time!

It took Noah a number of decades to build his ark before the floods came. In fact, some speculate he may have planted the forest for the lumber he would need later in the process. How forward-thinking is that?!!?

Someone said it differently than this quote, but the idea is simply like this…

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. ~Warren Buffett

This is the definition of transferring to future enjoyment from a little sacrifice and effort today. It’s sort of like the words from Jesus that say, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Planning early, doing the first steps first, and knowing where you are possibly headed… Well, these things set the stage for the success of tomorrow! If you do nothing, then the weeds win! Your good intentions will be choked out, and you will fight great battles in the future that are harder to win. Unless. You start life out on the best footing today.

Here’s A Key

We all want Keys to Success. Maybe for you, it’s simply this:

It may be too late for a lifetime of success,
but it’s never too late to start doing the right things now for a better tomorrow.

Planning early, doing the first steps first, and knowing where you are possibly headed... Well, these things set the stage for the success of tomorrow! Click To Tweet


By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!