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Chatting with someone this week, this thought kept rising to the surface.

“I wonder what it will be like after the coronavirus has runs it’s course…” Will we return to our old ways, or has this inevitably made a change in our identity?

We have no clue.

What will normal be like? Or as it has been in the past when some new invention changes the way we think about the world around is, will a new normal take over?

If you would but think about this for a moment, we all have a story to tell after some major life event. I’m old enough to remember the ‘60s, and barely a few years of the ‘50s. Those years shaped my life, mostly into who I am today, and what I think about the future. I was born after WWII, Korea, but a young toddler in the beginning throes of the Vietnam era. My generation saw technology take us to the moon, and put handheld electronic calculators in our hands.

Equally, I remember 1988 (…reasons), 1963 (JFK), 1967 (Apollo 1), Y2K… this can be a long list!

Each challenge to life has made changes to our “new normal”.

I thought about what we’ve seen, and can we ever un-see it? Or un-hear it? Even, can we un-think what we’ve thought about?

There are changes that modify our approach to life. Some good, and some, well, some are not very pleasant indeed.

What will it be like until we find our new normal?

Here’s My Thought Today

I’m never sure who pays attention to anything I say. I write, teach, or preach. I enjoy conversation all the time, but realize not everyone catches on to my thoughts or ideas. Sometimes, my words take shape in another’s life and change is effected. Most times, my words fly in one ear, out the other, to be lost in the ether.

But they are my words, expressing my thoughts about life.

This old song crept through my brain waves early this morning. I hear my dad singing it with his distrinct a capaella voice, even my grandmother’s voice pitches in, and I think I can even hear me singing it every so often.

From here, and until then, how will you choose to live your life? Will you be scared into a corner of isolation, or will you patiently abide until the time comes for you to step into the sunlight from the shadows.

My positive view of looking at life with hope teaches me that life here is simply a short existence. There is a better place I go… But, until then…

Until Then….

Until Then
My heart can sing when I pause to remember
A heartache here is but a stepping stone
Along a path that’s winding always upward
This troubled world is not my final home

But until then my heart will go on singing
Until then with joy I’ll carry on
Until the day my eyes behold my Saviour
Until the day God calls me home

The things of earth will dim and lose their value
If we recall they’re borrowed for a while
And things of earth that cause this heart to tremble
Remember there will only bring a smile

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Stuart Hamblen
Until Then lyrics © Hamblen Music Company

I wonder what it will be like after the coronavirus has runs it’s course. Will we return to our old ways, or has this made a change in our identity? Time will tell, but I am going to live like it has made a positive change for all of us. Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!