Last Puzzle PieceMissing in my life - that last puzzle piece

We’ve all been at this place… I suspect.

Have you ever been somewhere enjoyable, but then get a sort of “homesick” feeling for your routine? Back home? You know, missing your normal life, whatever that might be. Or, perhaps you miss someone “back there”…

Recently, we left for a 30 day “celebrate my bride’s retirement” trip, and immediately the Coronavirus scare hit. As we experienced the run on local stores in East Texas, something in me says, “I should be back home!”

When Y2K was happening, I asked my kids to not move away from home until we were sure it was safe. Remember? They forecasted planes would fall out of the sky, cars and computers would quit working, and we better have our safety net of supplies handy!

One guy even said you need chickens, dig your own water well, and have a year or more food stored because the transportation system would fail. All this while it was frigid living in Alaska!

Now, I worked the Y2K response and dealt with future dating potential issues on mainframe software, and the changes we made were necessary to move into the next century.

However, in real life, none of the forecasted disasters happened.

Disasters Galore

We’ve been through one disaster drill after another. As a kid we hid under our desks at school to learn what to do if a nuclear bomb goes off nearby. My kids learned how to crawl under their desks in case an earthquake happened (in Alaska), and they learned how to “Stop. Drop. Roll.” Just in case their clothes were on fire!

Since those days of disaster preparations, we’ve lived through the Swine Flu epidemic. (Not to confuse it with the pandemic we are facing today.) We’ve had Flu bugs resistant to drugs, or the wrong drugs manufactured for the wrong strain of the current season.

Financial crisis anyone? Remember the bubble bursting for technology, housing and banking? Wait, let’s not forget about the tsunami, lahar or volcano drills.

I could Even name a few hurricanes that never produced as the forecasters predicted…

Life must not be real until we have a few disaster planning drillS for something that could potentially happen! But the truth reveals most never do.

If we are not careful, life will continually be like the little boy crying wolf… When the real wolf showed up, the entire town was used to hearing his fake cry. They ignored the real danger!


Perhaps, just perhaps… There’s definitely something in the air, as the old song goes. Could it be that we are facing the harbinger of struggles yet to come?

I remember the ‘67 Six Day War where the surrounding nations attacked Israel. While at a church camp in Lufkin, Texas, I remember the fear that swept through our hearts. Could it be this will be the day that starts eternity? Baseball was forgotten as we stayed in that old sawdust filled tabernacle, praying, and waiting.

What we feared did not happen. Still, a few years ago on my first trip to Israel, I stood on the top of a mountain where the embankments and foxholes still stand today. Our guide had been a soldier in that 1967 war and could relate to us his personal experience.

I felt a keen connection that swept away the intervening decades. Something tugged at my spirit that day. I could not help but connect the “yesterday” feeling to that present moment of time, listening to someone who was in the middle of one of my biggest fears.

Just a generation of time separated the two days. A generation.

Here’s My Thought Today

We used to sing a song, back when songs were commonly sung from a hymnal… It was written in 1942. What was happening then? WWII was in full swing!

Troublesome times are here,
filling men’s hearts with fear;
Freedom we all hold dear, now is at stake.
Humbling your heart to God, saves from the chast’ning rod.
Seek the way pilgrim’s trod. Christians awake!

Just 27 years later it would become GMA Dove’s first song of the year! It is still popular today, nearly 80 years later!

Why? In the midst of wars, disasters, and tragedy, we all seem to look for the quick return of Jesus. In 1942, the fear of war speaking. But the reality? Not yet. More wars to follow. Even more fears of Christ return… 1948, 1967, 1988, even Y2K!

Jesus tells us it will be as the thief in the night, when no one is suspecting or prepared, and many will not be ready. Even if the story of the 10 virgins and the bridegroom relates, there is something to be said about realizing the soon arrival. It’s time to prepare, yes, but it’s wise to always be ready!

Shaking in My Boots

Do you remember that quivering experience as you are about to get on the ride of your life? For me it was always at Astroworld. I hated getting wet on the Log Ride, or worrying whether the Runaway Mine car will stay on the tracks. One of my “gotcha” moments was that gravity spinning wheel where you are spun so fast you stick to the wall and then the floor drops out from below you. You knew what to expect, and you knew it was coming, but that momentary pause… Am I ready for this?

Paul tells Timothy…in his last known letter before his own death…

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”  
2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)

If God is not one to “fear” then we should not “fear” even when it seems we live in disastrous times. Right? Why?

His Spirit within produces Power, Love and a Sound Mind…

Power and love is something we comprehend.

That word used for “sound mind” essentially means “discipline, self control”. We need to discipline ourselves to be in control of self. But we do not have to do it alone. He gives us that spirit whereby we can live this kind of life!

Christians! Awake! Jesus is coming soon… But until that time, live within the realm of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind! Discipline. Self control by the power of His loving spirit! Click To Tweet

Praying for you, as you pray one for another. This is the season to know your safety zone and help others find theirs.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!