Second Life AheadSecond Life Ahead

Through the years I’ve been a huge proponent on re-inventing my life. How? By taking classes, learning the next new thing, and springboarding into the future prepared for the challenges that exist. And getting ready for that which I never saw coming!

It’s almost like reinventing my second life happens a dozen times a decade!

When I was working at Texas Commerce Bank in downtown Houston, I happened to be in charge of the software being introduced on the first desktop computers on the floor of 160 programmers. Among those 16 decades of technologists, there were some who refused to upgrade! Really! They were happy with their dinosaur dumb terminals!

They reminded me of a manager who dreaded migrating away from keypunch cards to digital file storage!

In my world, I quickly migrated through the up and coming technologies so I would be employable. I programmed in over 30 languages, worked on many releases of leading-edge tech, and thoroughly loved the challenges of the future.

Imagine living in 1953 and reading this article (before I was born, but in my present-day neck of the woods). How could anyone imagine Dick Tracy’s world being accepted as normal!??!

Imagine having no thought about the future that we accept as normal!

Here’s My Thought

Imagine this. You are stuck in the past. The world keeps on changing, and like Rip VanWinkle you awake to a modern world. It’s moved past you at a near speed-of-light velocity. Almost, you think, it’s impossible to catch up.

Here’s the truth! You may not like the direction, nor the ride, but change is constant. We learn to go with the flow, keeping what we can and changing what we must.

My foundation of beliefs do not change, but how I apply the new world to my baseline is an ever-changing and often challenging experience.

There are times I wish for the olden days, especially when it comes to cars. You know, those without computer chips that become outdated or fail at the wrong time! But in this high speeding world of freeway driving and watching out for the other guy, there’s nothing like a modern car that is safer and more economical.

Equally, we often yearn for the open pasture. It’s time to slow down, turn the blinker on, and get ready to exit the fast lane! Entre de Pasteur!

Skreech! I’m not there! Yet.

Getting Ready For Change

I’ve written a lot about change. Why? Life, perhaps, is nothing if it’s not going and growing.

This is a focus of mine till my last breath! Get up and move! Enjoy the moment! Look for the future! How do I get ready for it?

The one thing I’ve learned?

I do not have to move or change my focus of heritage living to prepare for that next life. How many times have you changed your job responsibilities and stayed right where you’re planted? I’ve changed my career many times within the same company.

Today, I know it’s time to step up to the next iteration of what life at home looks like. Some things must change. Other things want to stay the same. It’s a toss-up!

Change is constant. Being ready for what the future unfolds in front of us tells me I must be ready to change! Go with the Flow! Gather no moss! Click To Tweet

Next life, here we come!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!