My bride has worked for nearly 32 years to celebrate this “last day”… Congrats to a beautiful lady, hard worker, someone willing to go the extra mile for her company and customer!

Brenda Gurley, I love you!

You started in Baytown, Texas as a temporary worker for a switchboard you knew nothing about… but you proved yourself every step of the way showing you have a “can-do” attitude. We migrated to Alaska with no firm position, but once again, you showed perseverance until the opening came! Then, trusting God’s will, you flagged yourself as mobile and we moved to Washington.

Who knows how things would have turned out if that first position turned you away from the door because you had never worked that particular switchboard!???! They took a chance on you, and everyone you come in contact with has been rewarded by that choice!

You and I believe in God, He knows when life seems frail, fraught with indecision, and tomorrow is uncertain. To have something to believe in? Well, that makes all the difference in the world.

I believe in You!

Keep it up! We have another generation of time ahead of us to get through!

#StateFarm #Texas #Alaska #Washington

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!