Coffee Bean VibrationsCoffee Bean Vibrations

Sitting in a coffee shop earlier than I normally would, I noticed the top of my coffee was vibrating. Not the cup, although I’m sure it was if you could only see it. It was the liquid. The Coffee…

If you angled your view you would see the vibration waves sweep outward from near center. With light reflecting just so, the image looked like a WIFI signal.

Why? What was happening?

I realized the entire establishment was humming with activity. Crowds around the tables with voices clamoring. Workers moving from chore to task to customer, almost continually. The drive thru was fully engaged, and cars were just a couple of feet away. Even the A/C…yes. It was warm enough!

Everywhere I noticed. Movement. Noise. Vibrations. Everything affected my cup of coffee. Good Vibrations! Hmm. Someone should write a song. But if you were looking for the negative, well, you could find that it existed.

I thought about what creates energy so the surroundings vibrate. Intersecting points from varied sources. Overlapping. Powerful washing over the weak. Created movement, as well as the natural.

Remember the can and string communication device?
The vibrating string carried a representation of your sound…
Tautly from can to can. Tighter was better.

Guitar strings only sound right when tightened to a particular note. Engines tuned to sound just right! If you listen to the kettle, you can tell when everything is right for the boil to happen!

Here’s My Thought

We are surrounded by vibrations. They creep through every pore of life. The bible talks about the earth groaning (Romans 8:22), and we all know that groaning sounds come from the vibrations of our vocal chords. A cat purrs deeply in its vocal chords. Gears growl from one shift to the next, and sends vibrations throughout the car. Dads? Grimace. You know what I’m talking about!

But there is another sort of vibration that I feel in my spirit. It revolves around the process of knowing God’s with me. Everywhere. All the time. Never far that I cannot feel him, if I would but tune into his frequency.

Think about those radio waves that rush unrealized through the atmosphere until you have a tool to tune into that wavelength, and speakers to vibrate the sounds into our hearing!

You must tune in!

When God is involved, anything can happen. Be open. Stay that way. God has a beautiful way of bringing good vibrations out of broken chords.
~Charles Swindoll 

You can replace the good with the bad. It’s your choice. What do you tune in to?

Well, we are never alone. God is everywhere, all the time.

Keep your lives free from the love of money.
And be satisfied with what you have. God has said,
“I will never leave you; I will never run away from you.”
~Hebrews 13:5 ERV

How about working on your frequency controls? Tune in to the spiritual so that you notice something we all know. It’s already there. You just have to find the right point on your dial to recognize it.

Even when you were facing your darkest trial, you were not alone. Tuned out? Maybe. But he has always been there. Even now. Can you sense him? Let’s tune it. Can I help you?

Remember, God said, “I will never leave you;    I will never run away from you.” …. Hebrews 13:5 Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!