A wise observation from comedian Ken Davis…

Funny how a few letters in a word can change the meaning of the word and subsequently one’s outlook on life.

Years ago, my friend, Gloria Gaither made a statement that still impacts my life. I hope her insight will help make this Christmas one of your most blessed.

Here’s what she said…

“How we experience Christmas, depends greatly on whether we approach it with a spirit of expectation or a spirit of expectancy!”

Most of us approach the holiday season with high expectations. “Won’t it be wonderful to have the entire family together! It will be such a peaceful time of love and laughter.”

It doesn’t always pan out that way does it? Old wounds are uncovered, difficult personalities are encountered and “turkeys” are burned to a crisp; sometimes in the oven and sometimes in the living room.

People who live with expectations expect things to go as they plan, Smooth sailing with no storms. When our expectations are dashed, we end up feeling disappointed and blue.

Conversely, people who live with expectancy accept that things will rarely go as planned and make a conscious decision to look for any blessing that God might bring, no matter what the situation.

People with expectations are most often disappointed.
People who live with expectancy are often surprised with joy.

Suddenly our focus changes…

…from what we want to what He wants,
…from what we can get, to what we can give,
…from what we have planned to what He has planned for us.

“O Lord help me look into your face this season with a spirit of expectancy. And while you’re at it Lord, please surprise my friends this Christmas with blessings beyond what they could have ever planned or expected.”

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!