Light in the DarknessLight in the Darkness

Early this morning. Yes. I woke earlier than normal and could not drift back off to restorative slumber. Perk some coffee. Grab something to munch on. It’s too early, so let’s be productive!

I followed my morning routine and finally turned my attention to my news apps. As I was reading through some overnight news stories, something caught my attention.

As normal, it nestled in my mind and stored itself
until I could revisit it. Think it through. Subconsciously.

The news is local. Not national. So. I’m not sure how many will read it, or how long the story will remain, but the headline screamed for attention.

If the story is not there when you read this, do not worry. You know what it says!

Darkness – You Get Used to it.

For those of us who have lived further north than the Bible Belt, or even the equator, are used to words like this. As we move closer to the winter solstice we understand the darkest day of the year is very close. Approaching. The weeks and days leading to and from. It gets darker, less sun, possibly gloomier. But then it reverses itself and approaches more light!

Sunseekers scream in anguish. Burrowers don’t even notice. Life goes on.

The headline got my attention. Intuitively I understood. Some cannot handle the dark. Others simply keep on living no matter what. For the most part, I fall in the second group. You learn to wake up (normally) at a regular time and go to bed each evening no different than any other time. You spot the sun going in and out of your daily living. Maybe. Here in the Pacific NW, it stays gloomier than most have ever experienced.

Again. You adapt. Sometimes it’s sunny. Sometimes it’s not. Some cry. Some simply live. I want to live.

Think About It

Life is full of dark times. Loss. Defeat. Hurts. Some are devastated and curl into a fetal position. Possibly to never recover. Others muddle through and eventually recover. Those who understand the cycle of seasons watch the rising sun showing up later each day after the solstice.

Still, and possibly this is the best way to approach these dark times, others move forward no matter the opposition. Times do get dark, but it also gets brighter later on.

No matter which one you are, the issues of muddling through exist for all of us. Where, or when, do we recover? Will we ever find peace, contentment, or even happiness again?

I perceive this in myself and see the result in others, you often get what you expect to get. Perhaps we can establish an algorithm for getting what we want, or expect to experience, but life jumbles everything up at times! It’s our perception that matters a lot. THIMK it through!

Fill In The Blank

_________________ (you fill in the blank) is not a destimation,
it’s simply a step on our journey.

If you are always expecting ___________ (you fill in the blank) on the next step of your journey, then you are not shocked when it shows up. Or worried if it does not. Why? Because sometimes it’s there. Sometimes it’s not. You simply keep moving forward.

The options are not good to stay where you are. Pick up your feet. Keep moving forward!

From Darkness toward Light

Israel was living through muddled times. We think of it as a glorious time of the year, but they kept praying for the Messiah. One conquering army after another kept them under the thumb. There was no prophet speaking to them from God. In fact, it would seem, they had not heard from God’s prophet for the past 400 years!

Does this mean it’s over?

No. They had lived in Egypt for 400 years of overwhelming darkness. Until it was time! Then Moses. Add 40 years of coming out of their past, they finally reach the promised land!

It’s a process.

Remember this. It’s not an overnight success. It’s a process. Just as the solstice is approached and retreated from slowly, there is a process that makes things happen according to God’s plan. God’s plan works out no matter how dark it is! John the Baptist is born. His father became a prophet and declared John as the one who would bring light into darkness.

To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,
To guide our feet into the way of peace.”
(Luke 1:79 NKJV)

He was the forerunner of the Messiah! Remember, he was not the redeemer, only a step to reveal the redeemer who would follow him.

He was a step in the right direction!

But he was not the answer. There is so much more to this story that will take decades to reveal. Can you live a little longer in darkness, day in and out, knowing Light is on its way?

Count Your Blessings

Count your blessings. Name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done… Count your many blessings. Remember this old song? Perhaps we are not thinking through our lives in light of blessings that show up even in our darkest times. When we start to consider our blessings we should overwhelm the darkness with that internal light that sees the positive. Even when our surroundings are negative.

Let every blessing light up your heart and mind, and show into every dark corner. Eventually, your blessings enlighten even the darkest corner of life! Click To Tweet

Let every blessing light up your heart and mind, and show into every dark corner. Eventually, your blessings enlighten even the darkest corner of life!

My First Blessing of the Day - I Woke Up
My First Blessing of the Day – I Woke Up

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!