Questions and AnswerQuestions and Answers

I’m a sucker for a good question, but it has to be something that intrigues me, and then I must find the answer. A single question may have multiple answers, but generally…

Good Questions Lead To More Questions!

Let a child ask “why” and we give a pat answer. Because. Why do we answer this way? If you’ve ever been around an inquisitive young mind then you realize the questions keep on coming and they are seemingly never satisfied with the answer. Even if it’s accurate.

Perhaps we’re not interested in remembering or researching for the answers we’ve come to accept as “why or just because…” More than likely we do not know the answer, and we’re okay with that status in life. That’s sad. To simply be satisfied with never knowing.

Questions without knowing answers are hard for some of us. But some questions are never answered, and we must learn to live with that.

Finding Answers We Can Live With

From my younger years, my 8th-grade science teacher, Mr. Doolittle, challenged me to think beyond what we could see. Laying on the roof of our house with my head surrounded by cardboard to block the trees, I was encouraged to look into the night sky and imagine where space ends and what might be on and beyond the edge.

I never found the answers, but it doesn’t mean I’ve quit thinking about it. Some questions have easy answers. Other questions require a lifetime of research but are so complex that I’ve learned to be okay with never knowing the answers. Still. I’m sure there are questions we will never find the answer in my lifetime. I’ve learned to live with that. Why? Some things are not meant for us to know.

All questions have answers. Some are easily found, others require many years of research. Still, some answers will never be found…and we need to be okay with that! Click To Tweet

Here’s My Thought Today

As a child, we sang a Stuart Hamblen song, “How Big is God? How big and wide His vast domain. To try and tell, these lips can only start. He’s big enough to rule His mighty universe. Yet small enough to live within my heart.” (I love this version)

This questioning song leads me to realize there are answers I can never comprehend. The answer is there. God is big enough to rule everything we can imagine, yet, He’s small enough to be within me, right now, today, every day. Only, I can not truly comprehend the answer!

From a child’s questioning attitude to a dying saint’s last breath into eternity, the questions we continually seek answers for will one day be answered. My faith speaks to me volumes about my trust in God. A youth pastor (Dickie McCreight) used to quote this all the time:

By a life that I did not live,
and a death I did not die,
I rest my whole eternity.
~C.H. Spurgeon

Invest your life in something worthwhile, your legacy and eternal future will rest upon the decisions you make now.

Some Focus

In fact, Jesus deals with questions and teaches us how to find answers. They may not be the answers we seek, but learning to ask our questions in prayer is very important!

“Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives,
and he who seeks finds,
and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Matthew 7:7-8 NKJV)

Jesus is dealing with our needs, learning to ask, and the trusting that the answer will come. It may not come quickly, and it may not be exactly the answer we need or want, but it will be the answer we learn to live with. How can I know this? Jesus tells us that whatever we ask in prayer, believing, we will receive (Matthew 21:20-22)

Believe. Faith. Trust. Questions. Answers. Simply Believe. In time, the answers will be known.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!