Personal ReflectionsPersonal Reflections

Do you remember Friday in the lunch room at school? Fish, right? You seldom thought about the previous four days and could only look forward to the weekend ahead. Friday Night Lights! Part Time Jobs! Youth activities and Church! (Yes, it was an enjoyable part of my future days.) Visiting family! Going to the country!

I’ve been blessed to be able to do just about anything I’ve set my mind to do.

This includes the careers I’ve wanted to do, along with the things I’ve wanted to collect. There are holes in my travel desires – Antarctica anyone? I’ve been able to pick up a lot of interests and enjoy them as long as I could afford them. Piloting anyone? Flying has been the best experience – single engine, hot air balloon, helicopter, sailplane…how about a high speed dog fight?

I’ve put about 2 million miles on my various vehicles! That’’s going somewhere!

Let’s see. What is one of my best memories and things to reflect on? I’ve been blessed to enjoy my bride of nearly 45 years of marital bliss, but there’s still at least another 20+ years to go! My kids and their lives are an interesting future to keep my focus on, and I’m glad I get to say I love them very much.

Today, in advance of Father’s Day, I get to spend time with my daughter, traveling up to near Canada for a treat, check out her friends factory where he builds the ultimate off-road camper shell! [Source] This will be a great way to spend time with my favorite daughter! (Only daughter!) Will she drive? Or me? It won’t matter… I feel good times rolling my way!

As I age, I find there is more to life than I thought possible 40+ years ago. I just wish I had more time and money! Click To Tweet

True, I’ve been to countries I never thought were important in those early years because I had read about them through my favorite authors. Today? I know there are still places to explore if health and dollars hold up. Every continent needs my footprint!

I’m still learning the value of family. One of the most enjoyable thing I get to do is to spend time with the family. My parents are aging, and slowing down, and my siblings lives are full of new things all the time, and all the extended family I’ve not yet met? There’s still the future! Let’s get together!

I took a drive to connect with a new friend. It’s amazing how similar lives and experiences can create bonds where you never thought some could be found. I keep connecting with friends of the past through social platforms, and that keeps my interests focused on those that meant more in my past than in my present.

In the mail, I received a box of goodies to share at various nursing homes, along with some neat theology thoughts by a teacher of the Word that a friend of mine was so thoughtful to include. Of course, her husband passed last year and I’ve known them for over 30 years. Mickey and I worked together at Texas Commerce Bank and he’s one of the few that worked hard to stay connected.

If you would spend time thinking through your life, those that have come and gone, and the richness of all your experiences, could you not simply take a moment and write a letter to yourself to remember how blessed you are? Then, read it. Make it part of your life’s story. Include it in your Last Will and Testament. Make it enjoyable and share with the future. Someday, someone will read your marvelous reflections and maybe you’ll make a change in the future of their lives. Try it. I’m sure it will work.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!