Keep The Gears MovingKeep those Gears moving

A common phrase of assurance and affirmation, “You have my word on it!” But experience often teaches us the phrase is only as good as the person making it! Or, it’s even based on the opportunity and not just the person. Success often comes at a price and a cost that may not be realized until deep into the task.

Think about it for a moment. Let those gears in your mind loose for a moment. Think it through to your own conclusion.

Will you do what you say you will do, and will you not do what you said you would not do? “You have my word on it!”

It’s similar to what we may say when we are sworn in, or affirmed, at court case. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help you God! I affirm. It’s like that promise to your parent or teacher, your spouse, your children, even your God!

You have my word on it!

I’ve heard people say it, and when their words do not match reality, they shrug, “Maybe next time.” To me, they are satisfied with the results whether they are successful or not.

From a friend, just a few minutes ago.

Every day the Wright bros went out, they brought materials for multiple crashes, so when they crashed they could rebuild and try again. Think about it: They knew they would fail, but that's what they did: Crash and rebuild. Crash and… Click To Tweet

Their view? Failure is not an option, but they will be prepared for its eventuality! Prepare for the failure, but keep trying while looking for success!

This morning, a simple thought that ruminates… Have I ever not followed through on my word? The answer? Sure. Sometimes it bothers me, and other times I realize I just don’t care.

My personality, back when I was young and had a lot of energy, was to simply do faster those things I said I would do. As I age, well, the reality of less energy and more savvy, I simply do it when I want to! Click To Tweet

Who to, and what did I promise? Sometimes my words are not heartfelt, but obligatory, and with no buy-in, I agree but simply have no interest in the results. It’s just the thing to do. Say you’ll do it. Even when you know you don’t mean it.

When I buy into it then I know my personality! I’ll do it, often on my own terms, but I will get it done! “I told you I’d do it!”

This morning I’m thinking about the tasks on my lists and what I have time to do, not enough time, or it’s way down at the bottom of that multiple page list and I must take care of it now! Buy-in’s, staring face to face at the “I simply don’t care” tasks. Some are anxiously faced, others are full of drudgery and, yes, some even full of trepidation. Some are huge struggles, and others are quick wins.

Perhaps the most important thing for me to learn from this thought, only affirm what you know you can do, and be willing to say no to tasks that you know you cannot complete, and be wise to know the difference!

This is worth bookmarking and saying again!
Say yes to what you know you can do, and no to what you cannot possibly do. Be wise to know the difference!

In fact it’s important to know, are you the person who should be doing it, or can you get someone else to buy into the tasks and let them fly!

There are tasks I simply should not do, even if I’m capable! Similarity, there are some things I should not even attempt to do. It’s not in my wheelhouse!

So. Take some time to analyze your world for a moment. Affirm what you are going to accomplish, help someone else be successful as they pick up what they are capable of saying, “You have my word on it!”

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!