These are not our best pictures, but they are ones I treasure. Dating. Newlyweds. In Texas… Then Alaska at Checkmate Plaza apartment where Jason first attended school, and Elizabeth was born.

Finally, Washington where we live like we started. Just the two of us.

Life is full of stages, cycles of up and down, good and not as good, like the ebb and flow of tides. Do not let one stage define the entire life. Click To Tweet

Balance. Stages. Cycles. Seasons. Ebb and flow.

I believe everything we go through balances our life. We bring in the good times and their memories when we have struggles…and we remember just how bad it could be when times are going great!

The one thing I notice. We are always walking side by side…in this life together. Supportive. Caring. Even during the struggles.

I’ve shared this often through the years. It’s great when you are both up, but you are there to help the other through their down times. It’s really bad when both of you are down. There’s no support. Danger, Danger!

Hanging out with mom and dad this week I’m reminded we change dramatically as the years age us, and ages rapidly showing their slowing years. But they’ve been married for 65 years! That’s a lot of depth to bring balance to every stage.

Less we judge only by one stage, we need to keep the entire picture in view. Even the future we have yet to experience.

Keep the bigger picture in view! It does balance out! You just have to give it time.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

One thought on “Stages Define Us”
  1. Love this. I will always remember you both as in the second picture on the top right. Forever Young!

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