Yes… I know… You have an attitude! I have an attitude! All God’s children have attitude!

In fact, attitudes are displayed all over the news and in social media, and often “in your face!” It gets tiring and stressful when you constantly hear the negative taunts and derision sprouting from every single source of input! It’s time to stuff your head in a hole to hide from everyone (ostrich) or head out to the wilds where there is no news, social media, internet or any other modern convenience. (Is there such a place today?)

So before you leave us, or me myself and I (the holy trinity), let’s use this test to take a snapshot of our attitudes… Perhaps it will reveal something you’ve never thought about! Here’s the link.

The questions are as follows if you don’t want to brave the test!

  1. When you’re thinking to yourself, you tend to use positive words and encouraging phrases.
  2. You don’t worry about things you can’t control.
  3. Most to all of your friends have upbeat attitudes.
  4. In the past month, you’ve described yourself as depressed.
  5. You tend to think about your strong points more than your weak points.
  6. Even when things are stressful, you are able to focus on what needs to be done.
  7. If someone criticizes you, you tend to take it in the worst light.
  8. You are usually the first person to give out a compliment.
  9. You have something good to say about everyone, even your enemies.
  10. When you think about getting older, you are: Pessimistic vs  Optimistic
  11. You tend to expect the worst in people.
  12. You are not a procrastinator. You tend to get things done on time.
  13. When something goes wrong in a group you tend to: Blame yourself  vs  Blame others.
  14. You tend to be quite afraid of losing people you love.
  15. You have good posture.
  16. When talking to strangers, you tend to smile and try to sound friendly.
  17. Instead of participating in gossip, your rule is to say something nice or nothing at all.
  18. You tend to like to be well dressed and looking your best.
  19. You are often reminding yourself what you should be doing.
  20. You find it easy to forgive people and forget about the bad things that have happened to you.

What does this test say about you?

How positive are you? How negative are you? Where do you struggle the most? What changes could you make to have a more positive attitude….

Here are my results!

“You have a positive attitude…
Some of the time!
You prefer to see the world through clear glasses,
not rose colored glasses…”

My Attitude Test results: You have a positive attitude… Some of the time! You prefer to see the world through clear glasses, not rose-colored glasses… Link: Click To Tweet

What kind of person are you? What does your attitude say about you? What kind of person are you meant to be? The known factors of your life… Your DNA, how you were raised, your culture, history… none is equal to the description of who you have become.

The unknown factor in every situation? It’s often your attitude!

Your attitude defines how you think – Life, politics, race, career, etc.; God or spiritual things; Others; Yourself. Attitude is perhaps one of the most important things in our life.

Attitude can be the difference between a happy person and an unhappy one. People with the right attitude often have a life full of Joy, regardless of their status in life, family, finances, career, home life, health or politics.

So. What is attitude? Attitude is an inward feeling expressed by behavior. Attitude is the visible form of how we feel about something

What is attitude?
Its roots are inward but its fruit is outward.
It is our best friend at some times; at other times it is our worst enemy.
It is more honest and consistent than the words that come out of our mouths.
It is an outward look based on past experiences.
It is the thing that draws people to us or repels them from us.
And it is never content until it is expressed.
It is the librarian of our past, the speaker of our present, and the prophet of our future.

So how do we adjust and change our attitude? Is it even possible? Perhaps. It largely depends on you! The Apostle Paul gave us one framework to view our life.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

Philippians 2:5 KJV

At the beginning of His ministry, Jesus gives them His Mind… He gives them what is commonly called “the beatitudes…” or, “attitudes to be.”

(3)  Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  (4)  Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.  (5)  Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.  (6)  Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.  (7)  Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.  (8)  Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.  (9)  Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.  (10)  Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  (11)  Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Matthew 5:3-11, KJV

Even with this message of attitude, regardless of your situation, Jesus tells us how to resolve the issues concerning our view on life in the very next phrase.

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Matthew 5:12, KJV

Regardless of what is happening to you, around you, or in your sphere of influence… Rejoice. Be Exceedingly glad! There’s a better reward coming!

Consider the Apostle Paul (Saul) as an example. A good man under the law with a focus on eradicating the followers of Jesus. But a blinding light on the road to Damascus changed his viewpoint. (Acts 9:1-16) My studies of Paul are not extensive, but I see this startling point – he became what he detested!

Long after his ministry is fully established and he is doing the work that Jesus called him to, Paul describes his life as one full of suffering, even though we call him the greatest soul winner and church planter.

Not only did he struggle as previously mentioned, but there was also something very personably wrong with his body. He calls it a thorn in his flesh. (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) Could it have been a physical problem? Some think it was vision because he wrote to the Galatians, “How Large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand…” (Galatians 6:1) yet the size of the letter was nothing compared to Romans or Corinthians! Some suspect he had a vision problem or severe joint pain. Arthritis? Who knows. But we do know that Luke, the phycian traveled with him and penned some of his letters.

I’ve often wondered if he simply struggled with his past actions, compared to his present life. After all, Luke records his efforts like this:

As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison.

Acts 8:3, NKJV

On better future footing, Paul communicates to the church at Thessalonica and with bullet-like precision, he gives them seven attitude reminders.

Rejoice evermore.  (17)  Pray without ceasing.  (18)  In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  (19)  Quench not the Spirit.  (20)  Despise not prophesyings.  (21)  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.  (22)  Abstain from all appearance of evil.  (23)  And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  (24)  Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 KJV

Would you allow me to interpret from where I sit?

Keep a spirit of enthusiasm.

Verse 19: “Do not quench the Spirit.” ((NIV)  Do not put out the Spirit’s fire;) In other words, “Keep a spirit of enthusiasm.” Enthusiasm in the original language is God in us!

Welcome life positively.

Verse 16 : “rejoice always” or “welcome life positively”! We have many setbacks in life. We have many curves thrown at us. Paul tells us that when things come that would cause us not to rejoice; we should embrace life in a positive way.

Dare to be an open person.

Verse 17, he tells us to “pray without ceasing.” We know what prayer is: communion with God. It is walking with and listening to God. Keep your heart open, let God speak to you. Let Him teach you in all affairs of life. Let Him minister to you.

Exhibit a thankful heart.

Verses 17: “In everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” He says that we are to look at life with a heart full of thanksgiving, and an attitude of gratitude concerning what God has blessed us with.

Welcome the future as a friend.

Verse 20: “Do not despise prophetic utterances.” This speaks of things about what will happen in the future. Do not despise them. Jesus showed Paul things he would suffer… Regardless of our unconquered fear and trepidation, we need to look forward with Anticipation!

Set goals with care and courage.

Verse 21: “Examine everything carefully and hold fast to that which is good.” Be courageous, be tenacious, as we pursue that which we feel God has for our life. Keep the Good, Discard the bad

Overcoming Evil with Good

Verse 22:  Paul says that we are to abstain from every form of evil. Not only to abstain from evil, but rather be involved in ministry. So, that, we are to overcome evil by doing good.

Summary, conclusion, and the ending…

All of this easy, right!???!  Not necessarily! It is a daily process and a daily trial of my faith and peace! Every day there’s a new attitude thrown in my space. Every day and in every situation I go through, I must constantly adjust my attitude to keep the right attitude so I can obey Christ and live Godly.

How about you? What’s your biggest attitude challenge? How do you deal with it? Is there a technique that is in your toolbox to get your attitude re-tuned with who you are meant to be? How about sharing?!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!