We’ve heard it from others, felt it ourselves, that strained time when it seems we reach the bottom of the barrel. There’s nothing left. No sustenance. No refreshment. We’ve given and given and now we’re empty.

I felt this way recently while working in the yard at the beginning of a really hot day. The Burn Ban was about to kick in and I had one last pile to reduce to ashes. My tractor pushed the pile thick, and then I lit the upwind side (faint breeze only!) and stepped back to let the conflagration begin.

The water hose was charged and ready should it get out of control, but I had planned well…only, the heat was zapping my strength. The sun was bright. Shade was about 20 feet away, and that’s where I planted myself. It seemed that I was not working at my peak. Maybe it’s my age, physical condition or lack of training.

Regardless. It seemed I could not recover. Several bottles of room temperature water later and I started to bounce back, but not to overdo the exertion angle, I stayed in the shade and sipped water for an hour while the flames reduced the pile to ashes.

It took me hours to feel the bounce back complete. A/C. More water. And an accounting of what happened. I was too dehydrated for the work, and did not recognize the signs until too late. A friend shared that it easily takes 20 minutes for a bottle of water to saturate the cells so you can endure the challenge.

Wished I had heard that earlier, like, before I went outside to begin with!

I tweeted this thought earlier today and pondered this blog and know I’m not fully on board with sharing, but think about this with me.

Ever felt you have given all you got, nor received all you need? Oft our emptiness does not come from giving all, rather it’s from not getting enough to go on. It’s almost like being dehydrated when you have had all the water you needed to hydrate. Probably Your Fault! #Thimk #5P

What’s #Thimk? If you’ve been around my writing for awhile then you probably know. If not, it’s a purposeful misspelling of “Think” at a job back in the 70’s on our IBM 370 Mainframe computer. It was meant to make you Think what was wrong with Thimk!

#5P? These are simple. There are 5 P’s to success…. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Problems.

Think About It. Before you tackle a problem, project, challenge, or a new direction, be like that man that Jesus talked about.

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? (Luke 14:28-30, NKJV)

  • Count the cost. Sufficient supplies and money. BEFORE you start the work! Most of our lack comes from not being prepared, and when you are not prepared and there was sufficient Seed, Time and Money for the challenge, then you are guilty of going into the event ill-prepared…
  • This applies in expending our energy toward something that may or may not be important. Comprende?
  • By Michael Gurley

    Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!