I’ve been awake and ready for action long before the sun started lighting the landscape. That doesn’t mean I’ve been up and productive, only that I’ve been fully aware of the morning long before most are scrambling to fix their alarm clock. Before I start hammering at my massive To-Do List, I take some relaxing time, perhaps strolling the yard with the dogs, enjoying the 30-degree temperature, and watch the birds awake and begin their daily incessant feeding routines, scanned the yard for signs of nocturnal animals passing through, and simply enjoyed the start of my day.

This I've learned, my mornings need to be my quiet time. Thinking time. Preparatory time. Make the time to be prepared. Daily. Click To Tweet

I believe what we are in public life is prepared and planned for in private. You are what you do when no one else pays any attention to your public voice. How you’ve prepared says a lot about how dedicated you are to the calling or career when you are earning your way through life, or even through the challenges of a single day!

How you prepare says a lot about your character, foundation, purpose, priorities, and focus.

Most mornings are spent in quiet and reflective time. Since kids have been out of our lives for the past 25+ years, we have had to relearn the morning schedule. Instead of worrying about others, now we just handle ourselves. We can push back on the alarm (not that I need one!) and know how to squeeze out every spare second so that we make it to our morning destination just in time!


While standing in my backyard and enjoying the morning awakening, I sadly thought of those who do not take the privilege of the morning quiet to make sure their spirit is refreshed for the day.

I did a quick search and I find the Bible talks about the tasks and events people face in the early morning. Abraham stood before the Lord (Genesis 19:27). Jacob built a pillar and anointed it to represent the place of his commitment to God via the dream from the nighttime hours (Genesis 28:18). Moses mounted Mt Sinai to take the two tablets of stone that the Lord had made that contained the 10 Commandments (Exodus 34:4). Mary and a few other ladies made their way to the tomb of Jesus the morning after the Sabbath so they could anoint his body with more spices (Mark 16:1-2).

King David writes about the blessings that come in the morning, even after the weeping of the night (Psalms 30:5) and that there is a prayer that is delivered to God … in the morning! (Psalms 88:13)  In fact, he even instructs us to receive our focus of the day by what we do in the morning.

Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness
in the morning,
For in You do I trust;
Cause me to know the way
in which I should walk,
For I lift up my soul to You.

(Psalms 143:8 NKJV)

Here’s my thought today.

I’m not sure how you race through your morning, but I do believe it worthwhile to wake up even earlier to prepare for the day ahead of you. As I like to think, it is better to have the time well spent to prepare for the day rather than rush out to the day ill-prepared for the challenges one might face. A little time spent in prayer, study, devotion, contemplation, or even quiet time to let the mind and spirit awake and unite for the madcap pace you must keep before the pillow time tonight.

David makes this his public declaration even when he is in the wilderness fleeing from the revolt of his son, Absalom (2 Samuel 15/16). You know, that place where it seems there is nothing good happening around you?

A Psalm of David
When He Was in the Wilderness of Judah.
O God, You are my God;

Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.
(Psalms 63:1 NKJV)

Even in the harshest times of your life, you should make that morning space of time and devote it to your Soul Preparation. There is probably no harder task worth doing every day than making sure you are prepared for the life ahead!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!