Happy New YearHappy New Year

What if… 

What if you could transport yourself to the last day of this new year and capture the images of your life that you began living today…January 1st?

What would you wish that you had completed that you resolved to begin today?

  • Are those unwanted pounds gone?
  • Did you start your degree?
  • What were your vacation thoughts?
  • Did you reconcile a relationship?
  • Finish reading that important tome?

We often start with good intentions, young and vibrant, but drag ourselves from one year to the next without success. It’s like the longer we wait, the older we become, until it seems like it’s simply too late to do anything about it.

Perhaps you need to ask yourself this question: Isn’t it time to stop being unsuccessful?

Why do we deal with being unsuccessful so casually? Perhaps the foundation of our life is ill-prepared for success in certain areas. We are prompted and prodded in some areas, but then other areas are never addressed.

Consider your spiritual growth.

Are you getting closer to God? Did you finish what you had started? Is your commitment as strong as it was when you were younger?

 Joshua is given an important nugget of life from God, and he was not a young man at the time he received it!

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. (Joshua 1:8)

Maybe this could become our key to success in everything we do! Read, study, make the lessons we learn second nature, recite, live by…

The new year is here, ready to be challenged and conquered. Today is the first of 365 days. Can you handle it? Click To Tweet

Maybe with a personal commitment that review at the end of the year might look better than that old man creeping off the stage!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!