What’s My Job Today?
We have a job to do every day, yet, what's your job today, tomorrow, and every day to come?
We have a job to do every day, yet, what's your job today, tomorrow, and every day to come?
You are a product of your forbearers. Yet, they do not dictate how you change for the better, or worse.…
Hebrews 11 is Faith. 1 Corinthians 13 is the Love chapter, although it includes Faith and Hope. All three are…
Most of us cry out for someone else to solve our problems. Job had no one. But his faith and…
Go ahead, re-read the Love Chapter (1 Corinthians 13) in whatever translation you wish. You will find that nothing matters…
Faith is believing in something better than I can see with my natural or even spiritual eyes! Faith is not…
We’ve seen those walking the streets in silent protest with a cardboard signed painted with the words: The End Is…
Impatience for the right timing is our downfall. Learning to wait, endure, and hoping for the results...that's Faith!
Believe in what you say. Then, live what you say. There is no greater credibility than conviction in action. ~Dr.…
At all times, we need to simply learn to let God Do What God Does! Let Go. Let God. #Thimk…