Coffee Matters
Straight espresso, Turkish, Americano, Drip, Percolator, Steamed, Boiled, French Pressed or brewed over a campfire with boiling water, a handful…
Straight espresso, Turkish, Americano, Drip, Percolator, Steamed, Boiled, French Pressed or brewed over a campfire with boiling water, a handful…
Savor the Flavor: Not all flavors savor the moment equally. We must choose what goes with the moment and accept…
There's No Such Thing As Bad Coffee: Is there any such thing as bad coffee? Maybe the worst thing is…
Any day of the week is definitely fine But Coffee on Sunday is downright divine! There's something special, heavenly, To…
Knowing the grind you need, doing what needs to be done, and never losing your focus. That's the Daily Grind.…
This week, the first week of the New Year (2022), I've been using several hashtags on purpose. They give me…
I have focused my talent and skills to accomplish life with a lot of technological marvels. But, amid greatness (…smirk…)…
There are hosts of reasons why we connect with our past. It gives a deep meaning to the present that…
I hope my filters are sturdy and steady to keep me from accepting the garbage that exists all around me.…