Coffee SundayCoffee Sunday

(I’m not a poet, but I see lines of words that flow.
Some call it dyslectic writing. I simply call it prose.)

Coffee On Sunday

Any day of the week is definitely fine
But Coffee on Sunday is downright divine!
There’s something special, heavenly, To enjoy the grind today.
Even right now. What do you say!??!

Something unusual this Sunday afternoon
I snacked at lunch, then took a 3-hour snooze.
Gasp! Unheard of? Are you feeling well?
Yes. I’m okay. But the stress has been… Oh, well.

Stress, you say? What’s all about the stress?
I’ve felt it for days and the list is long
To write about those things that pressure and pound.
To share and discuss would not do any of us good.

So. I napped. Relaxed. And now it’s nearing dinner time.
My bride is doing her specialty dish, Oh it’s known far and wide.
Requested by all, desired by many, she is hard at work
Making her famous Chicken Fried Steak, as only Brenda can make.

Mashed potatoes and gravy. Fried Okra, too.
Another cup of Joe, let’s call it coffee that’s smooth.
It’s never too late, a fresh cup, Let’s make.
Espresso. Dark. Black. Thick. Hot. Smack! That’s good!

Easter Sunday

As a youngster, I do not have many memories that revolve around what so many thinks is normal. Bunnies do not lay eggs, and in all honesty, I’m not so sure they could even lug a basket around to hide them. In plain sight! But I do have a memory, and it’s at Garner State Park one Easter weekend.

We camped out. Cold as I remember it. But on that one morning, maybe it was Sunday, we were ushered out of the canvas tent to look for eggs. That’s my first memory of Peter Cottontail. Mom came out of the tent, and if I’m not confusing memories, she had a baby in her arms. Teresa? Perhaps.

Later in life, my bride had her own experiences with Garner State Park. For about 13 years, every summer vacation of her memory was family camping. The bonds of family, at a park we both grew up loving, well, as life would have it, our vacation last year took us near – so we had to visit.

Here are a few memories, through the years, and across the miles.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!