What’s Your Golden Hour?
Since we don't know what the future holds, I believe it is incumbent upon us to get ready to act,…
Since we don't know what the future holds, I believe it is incumbent upon us to get ready to act,…
The Pandemic has not gone away, and I believe we will have it for years to come. The government cannot…
Elongate these battle lines and times, and we may never see normal in our lifetime again. The pandemic will change…
I must feed the beast that will produce right choices and focus. #Thimk #Algorithm #Perception #FeedTheBeast
The church has left the building!
1 degree of rudder shift may not be immediately noticed, but chart out the shift and see what it looks…
The same God who knows no ending of time has already given us the foundation blocks we need to have…
Have you ever planned … and then analyzed how you approached to the final solution…. and realized how weird the…
Just a quick thought this morning, but it has ramifications in every aspect of our lives. Every person represents their…
It has come up several times in my life. Folks that are close to me and getting close to their…