Updates, Then, More Updates
Updates, Then, More Updates: Updates after updates, they keep on coming! Nothing stays the same! New! Improved! Better than ever!…
Updates, Then, More Updates: Updates after updates, they keep on coming! Nothing stays the same! New! Improved! Better than ever!…
Taking Ownership of What We Take For Granted: There are benefits with eternal value if we spend more time learning…
Tools Are Meant to be Used, Not Stored: You learn from others who show you But you comprehend best from…
When I Grow: If we could but stop and investigate God's Word I grow, you grow, we grow, and that's…
Extra! Extra!: Skip the headlines and online stories. Instead, give me a book. There is comfort in curling up with…
When The Bad Outweighs the Good: This is the way we live and have lived for generations. The Good comes.…
Breaking records! we're all good at it one way or the other. What's a record for you, may only be…
In high school, and long before any of us knew about S.A.T. scores, we were introduced to another alphabet soup…
...we are all teachers, and we are all learners. We never get to the end of our teaching, nor to…
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits! (Psalms 68:19)