Chewy and Gunny
Chewy and Gunny

A story crept into my world yesterday.
I only knew the names, but the details were masked.
Since I’m not a digger into dirty details,
I’d just as soon keep my mind free, clean, and clear,
Trust me to say, I’m glad it’s been hidden.

I realize we are not immune to everything.
We come to life’s table uniquely.
From our backgrounds and conditions,
We view and consider everything, anything,
Right or wrong. Good or bad.
Everything to anyone can be a challenge.

Yet, now, with the names at the forefront of thought,
I see them pop up on the radar everywhere,
Before long, unless you avert your gaze,
You’re bound to find out exactly what they say.

An elevated sense of awareness
Cannot keep the news at bay.
It creeps and seeps from every stray corner,
Before you know it, it’s reared a somewhat ugly head.

Keep Me Innocent We are not immune from everything, Anything affects each of us differently. Try. Remain unaffected. There's enough garbage everywhere. Something can taint even the best of us. Share on X

Suddenly, I realize. A truth. A nugget.
Not everyone can stand knowing everything about anyone.
I guess I’m one of them; who would have guessed it?
I would just as soon be ignorant, unknowing, and innocent.

We age and grow up exposed to the worst this world has to offer.
Innocense loses out to age and time.
Oh, but try to stay out of the fray
Especially if you are not able to handle it.

A reporter, politician, counselor, judge, or attorney,
They often need to know all the details
To know what needs to be shared or acted upon.
Not Me! Keep it away.
I’m sure it’ll drive me crazy…

Just like that. I’m done. I go to the kitchen sink.
Turn on that spigot from which deep well water flows.
There is no big city filtration or treatment; it is just clear and cold.
No. I don’t need to know what’s within or missing,
Just let me enjoy it. Ignorant. Happy as a peach!

All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,
But the LORD weighs the spirits.
(Proverbs 16:2 NKJV)

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!