Taking a break and enjoying some restoration with Coffee and Chickens afootTaking My Break...back when we had chickens

We shop to restore the cupboards,
For that which gave us sustenance.
Fill the tank of fuel that is now used up.
So we can go and go tomorrow.

Is there anything left in the tank?
Or behind those closed doors?
Perhaps a wisp, a sliver, or a drop?
But to be an influence, we need so much more.

We dig through the emptying bag.
For more snacks or sustainable food.
We feather the foot to limp home
With just enough fuel.

Oh, Yes.
I’ve coasted to a pump with only fumes left.
Been there…
Payday! I’ve only pennies in my pocket.

We fall into a trance, a drop-dead sleep,
When the body, mind, and emotions are all used up.
Or we gaze into the abyss of silence,
Overwhelmed by the noise that never quits.

The long night was supposed to restore,
The dinner table is there to equip,
But what about that inner source of the real you?
The Spirit, the Soul, the part that truly identifies you?

It is said we only rest in that last slumber,
Of time spent here on earth, and yet,
As the body, mind, and emotions require a pause,
My soul speaks the loudest. Take a break. Ahha. Peace.

My senses are full of life, taste, touch, smell, see, and hear.
A sensory deprivation chamber is not what I need.
Just a pause along the journey. A snowy woods.
A restful quiet. A mind that turns off. And voices that quit.

That’s my restorative morning routine.
No noise – the world doesn’t have permission to interfere.
I have no thoughts other than the ones I want to think.
No words that intrude on a blissful and dark morn.

Pause. Think this through. What about you?
What do you need to restore your calm or inner peace?
Can you feel it? Tangible silence of a kidless house,
And dogs that don’t find the need to bark.

Rested! Restored! Wait! Don’t ruin it.
Get a little bit more to fill the tank and cupboard.
Overflowing, as one person puts it.
Let that extra be in store. The time will come when you’ll need it.

Okay. Thinking is over. I’m about to publish. An additional thought came to mind.

If I could list what restores me during a resting period,
what keeps that restoration moving throughout the day?

Innocent laughter, quiet story time, holding hands, companionable silence, enjoying your partner’s space, a good read, a treasured past article, the casual fingering of favorite collectibles, the waiting for a friend to reach out when you know it’s coming, as well as the surprise when someone suddenly shows up.

For those from noisy environments, there is something special about walking into a peaceful library – everyone demands silence! Or how about soaking up a sanctuary, a church sans congregants? A museum with a sitting place to ponder the works. The beach or woods when they are devoid of people. How about a quiet, driveable road with no traffic?

A quietly enjoyed cup of good, strong, and black coffee. All the way from the smell of beans roasting and flavor brewing.

For me, the best place to be is where no music is pounding the space except for the music my soul wants to hear. A quiet, walkable trail with nothing but nature making a peep!

Before you say it, I know this is the mind of an introvert. But I’m not just that. I’m an extrovert when I need to be, but I love to escape back to my quiet place.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!