Bird of prey and unsuspecting rabbitFirst Aware

Most mornings, I wake up, and in moments, I’m ready to get up and go.
It matters little if my “rest bank” account is complete or halfway restored.
I must move and get out of bed.
Why? I’m aware. The day has demands. I must get busy.

That’s the way my mind works.

The bed is my place to rest and not lounge on.
If I’m awake, then it’s a place to flee from.

In the same way, when a tendril of thought approaches my consciousness,
I must pause and consider the thought. Pursue, trash, or file away for the future.
It’s my pitfall when it’s first thought, and I choose to ignore it.
Why? That’s when it’s the strongest impression.

When I first think of someone, I must consider their world.
Social Media helps. Sometimes. Most of the time, I text, email, or call.
I cannot let them out of my thoughts…it may be a God reason I’m reaching out.

This is also how my thinking process works when listening to a preacher, teacher, professor, or someone who has insight and is taking time to explain something I find interesting. Grab it, think about it, record it, and maybe perhaps it’s a nugget that can help me now or in the future.

Okay. I have several friends I’m thinking of now who seem to know how to drop nuggets that interest me. My problem is mine. I must handle the thought now, or else the power of its first awareness fades in seconds and minutes. It means I shut everything out, and if I can pause and rewind, I live in the moment of history where that nugget was first revealed.

When God gives me a scripture, right now is not soon enough.
Don’t put it off one moment. There’s a reason it’s there.
Read. Think. Pray. Study. Engage.
Else, I’m worried I missed a Godly direction.

The tragedy of my limitation is that I miss out on other thoughts or experiences because I’m stuck in the moment that produced my awareness. Although I multitask, something that makes me aware often takes over the moment.

That’s one reason I’ve taken to creating notes on my phone.
I’ve hundreds of recorded notes, and that’s probably better described as thousands.
Captured thoughts when something became part of my awareness.
I hope they will mean something later on.

Not to throw this thought a curveball, but I’ve wondered about a baby’s mind as it becomes aware of its surroundings. How far back can you remember? What were our minds doing when we first breathed our breath? It’s like that famous Terminator movie series describing AI becoming first aware of itself and then beginning to wrestle control for its own dominance. AI had more ability, but you and I? It takes a while before we are truly aware and even longer before we have the capability to record our thoughts for the future.

Pick on Adam or Eve. Were they fully aware when created? Or did it take time for their mind to absorb their new world and take control of their body?

I read that as babies grow, they slowly become aware of the separation of their bodies being different from the one who is caring for them. With awareness comes experimentation that helps them become accomplished. But imagine that first moment they are aware enough to reach and hold, stand, walk, or stumble into a run. It’s a fascinating thought—first awareness.


When do you become first aware of the danger that later on you will be able to learn so it never sneaks up on you again? Or, that stirring of romance? Suspicion? Or distrust?

Of all the thoughts I have about this,
I can only say, at the beginning,
You may not trust yourself.
But with time and experience…
You’ll have a better understanding,
Of when you first became aware.

First Awareness: When do you become first aware of the danger that later on you will be able to learn so it never sneaks up on you again? There's value in being aware of your surroundings. Click To Tweet

Jeremiah 50:22-24 NKJV

A sound of battle is in the land,
And of great destruction.
How the hammer of the whole earth has been cut apart and broken!
How Babylon has become a desolation among the nations!
I have laid a snare for you;
You have indeed been trapped, O Babylon,
And you were not aware;
You have been found and also caught,
Because you have contended against the LORD.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!