A Fall Maple LeafThe First Monday of Fall, 2023

AI is all the rage. Instead of being creative, let’s get artificial intelligence to do it for us. Before long, Skynet will become active, and the robots will be in charge. Oh, wait. That’s a science fiction story that involves time travel and attempting to regain control of humanity.

Still, AI is no longer creeping… It’s raging through the workforce like a destroying storm. It will take over much of what we do. The nature of our creativity is about to change.

Could it be the Fall of Creativity is upon us?

This was my thought this morning as I tested my editing tool for writing. Grammarly now has a voice-activated command line that allows me to chat with it, and it will respond in text form for me to copy and paste. Not bad, perhaps, when you can dictate to an assistant to make something sound better than hemming and hawing with words as you tell your voice what to say from a hesitant mind.

Let AI clean it up for you!

I logged into my PC and asked Bing AI to write me a poem about the first Monday of Fall in the style of Robert Frost. In about 4 seconds, I had this in hand.

The First Monday of Fall
(Written upon my request to and delivered by Bing AI)

The summer’s gone, the autumn’s here
The leaves are turning red and gold
The air is crisp, and the sky is clear
The days are short, and the nights are cold

I walk along the winding road
That leads me to my humble home
I see the fields where crops were sowed
And harvested before the snow

I hear the birds that sing farewell
To warmer lands, they fly away
I smell the smoke that rises well
From chimneys where the fires stay

I feel the breeze that stirs my hair
And chills me to the very bone
I know that winter’s almost there
But I am not afraid, alone

For I have seen this change before
And I will see it once again
The seasons come, the seasons go
But I remain, through joy and pain

I love the beauty of the fall
The colors and the sounds and smells
But most of all, I love it all
Because it is the first Monday.

Feel free to stop reading here.
I’m now writing to myself on how to treat my life
from this first Monday of Fall through and to the end of life.

I said all that because I thought about this past weekend. Fall ushered in with instant cooler nights and days and the proverbial off-season sputter of rain. This weekend was Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement for the Jewish Nation – their holiest day of the year.

It came to me as I turned off the lights at 12:22 a.m. this morning. It’s now Monday—the first one of the Fall. Hurry up, Winter! I’m really looking for a nice cold one! Shortly after I was asleep, we lost power for nearly four hours, and I kept waking up, hoping there was no storm brewing, even though I love a good storm.

Then, I paused and considered my role in writing. Why do I do it? I can, I wish to, and I will. It’s an easy quest to fulfill. Does it do anyone else any good? Not my worry. It’s for me. Call it my open-note journal, where I can share as my mind sees fit. I’ve been rejected by those who don’t like what I say. That’s their problem. Not mine. I don’t write for others. I write for myself.

Some days have scripture quotations, and other days bring the nature of God’s Word into each thought without a reference at all. I have found my conversations with myself and others constantly peppered with a language and style that channels the Spirit and Foundation I stand on. Though they are my words and style, the language style is not my own – it’s God’s Word seasoning my every sentence.

I accept this about myself. The Lord’s Word is solid in my being, and I write and teach with the covering of a spiritual aspect to ensure I do not let my own mind trample over Him. I kept myself in control this past Sunday, and I hope I ministered a Spiritual message from God. It is about Him and not about me.

Could I make a vow with myself on this Monday, my one off day of the week? Sure.

I vow to keep my thoughts out of the picture
and try to put His thoughts first.
By doing so, when I put Him first, my words will match his style.
It may be the memories I share,
But let’s Keep Christ First in how I share it.

I can’t think of a better way to enjoy this first Monday of Fall.

The First Monday of Fall: How will we treat this next season when we let AI create for us? Vow and promise not to let AI replace your creative mind and spirit. AI cannot replicate you! Click To Tweet

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It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!