mountain cabin on stilts over a serene body of waterYes.. This could be my Monday!

Monday has become my “day off.”
Every other day has a purpose.
Today? I get to relax and do what I want.
Even if it means breaking a sweat and doing work.

You would think at this age
We would get to travel and spend our time on the road
Reality? Responsibilities are always with you
And except for our pups, we know what they are.

Taking a temperature of what you need the most
That pie-in-the-sky vacation? Or downtime. Ahha. Restoration.
This affects everything. Vacations take money.
Sometimes more than you have. Then what?

Special note. Hmmm. Go-fund-me page?
Antarctica takes $1,000 a day, 10-day minimum
Then you’d have to spend other dollars to enjoy the trip.
If I were a rich man...,” says Topol from Fiddler on the Roof.

Vacations are meant to be… what?
Explore? Have fun? See Family? Travel?
Or can you vacation and stay home?
Stay-cation is what they call it.

My bride and I will travel to a destination
And for the most part, all we want to do
Is to destress and unwind. No responsibilities. Nothing to do.
This doesn’t always happen, but it’s what we like best.

Some “day excursions” will be nice, even necessary.
But while I’m there, I’ll rebuild my strength and health
From that far-off place we traveled to. It’s called vacation.
I’ll come home restored. Rested. Ready to hit the ground running.

We take this time for granted. Run ourselves into the ground.
We do and go and challenge ourselves to experience it all
When even the locals have not had time to enjoy.
Wait! Everywhere you go, it takes others working for your success.

Vacations used to be only for the rich.
Travel could sometimes take months to get from here to there.
Spending the coin of the realm with every step.
Maybe it’s best on this Monday, that’s mine,
Step back. Rest. It’s truly the only day that’s mine.

The picture I’ve shared with this thought
This is my idea of taking a vacation. Get away…
Far, far, far away from noise, crowds, and heat…
This log cabin location may easily be the best place to live!

P.S. If you need to know why I take vacations,
This article is for you. There are benefits, yes,
That may help you live longer!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!