The words Oh Happy Day and a BalloonMy Favorite Day

I was born on the 13th of a particular month, and on the Gregorian calendar scheme of things, we know the weirdness some associate with this day if it happens to be on a Friday.

Well, I was born on a Thursday. So, there!

If you look at the Julian calendar, I was born on the 13th day of the year because my birth happened in the first month. No matter how you look at it, if 13 is superstitiously weird for you, I cannot escape the 13th. However…

That day was not Friday. So, there!

Why the calendar difference reference? Less than 450 years ago, our calendar was standardized to account for leap year and the solar cycle of life. Click here to understand.

The Apostle Paul tells about some who elevate the importance of one day over the other and how some esteem each day as the same (Romans 14:5)

The psalmist encourages us to recognize every day, especially the day we are living.

This is the day the LORD has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
(Psalms 118:24 NKJV)

What’s My Favorite Day?

When we were kids, our anticipation about special days was evident. Christmas. Birthday. Summer Vacation. Or, even a holiday where we got to do something special. For the most part, I can not remember a single day of the special event, but I do remember having them.

We do not remember days,
we remember moments.

~Cesare Pavese

As we grew apart from those childhood years, my family started celebrating special days differently. We’ve celebrated Christmas family gatherings as late as the end of January. Why? You may have an opportunity to enjoy a specific day, but we were scattered, and those special days comprised two, three, or four of us.

Haven’t you heard it? “Us four and no more.”

The pandemic threw a wrench into every scenario. I attended too many online events where we once enjoyed gathering in person: funerals, conferences, work, and even church.

Online is nice when that’s all you have,
but being present in person gives me a better connection.

Just being alive today makes me examine every day and conclude: Today is the best day of the rest of my life!

How about you? What’s your favorite day? Why?

There are two great days in a person’s life –
the day we are born, and the day we discover why.

~William Barclay

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!